Author: Newsroom
Portland, OR – Comics and graphic novel publisher ABLAZE delivers an advance look at a wide array of notable releases set to open 2024. Pre-orders and solicitations are open now.
Things kick off with the January debut of the Trade Paperback Edition of THE MIGHTY BARBARIANS, which collects Issues 1-6 of the skull crushing adventure from the writer of Barbaric, Michael Moreci. They loot, they plunder, they conquer. That’s what they do, and they do it alone…until NOW!
SHEPHERDESS WARRIORS VOL 2 is also offered for January. Shepherdess Warriors is the odyssey of a young heroine living great adventures in a medieval-fantasy universe inspired by Celtic legends. An epic fantasy adventure for all ages! Animated series in development now.
As well as WITCH OF MINE VOL 3, the latest volume of the beloved fantasy-romance manhwa series from creators Haeyoon and Mas.
Next comes a trio of special advance solicitations for February. Adventure fans will not want to miss THE KALEVALA, a stunning graphic novel adaptation by Sami Makkola (Hatter M. (APP) and Deadworld (IDW) of the Finnish epic that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien to write The Lord of the Rings. The is the foundational epic of the fantasy genre.
Also debuting in February will be CENTARUS VOL 2. Created by Ryo Sumiyoshi, CENTAURS delivers a story of adventure and freedom inspired by Japanese mythology and features impressive art and character designs by Sumiyoshi, who also created creatures for the bestselling Monster Hunter game series.
February’s advanced solicitations also includes WAKFU MANGA VOL 3: THE MINES OF LAMORORIA, from TOT, the creator of the NETFLIX anime hit. The adventures of the Brotherhood of the Tofu continue in a story that directly follows Season 2 of the anime series.

THE MIGHTY BARBARIANS TPB EDITION, Story by Michael Moreci, Art by Giuseppe Cafaro ∙ SRP: 19.99 ∙ 200 Pages ∙ ISBN: 978-1-68497-236-4 ∙ Suitable for Mature Readers ∙ Available January 10th
From the potent mind of writer, Michael Moreci (Barbaric), when an unstoppable force starts consuming one world after another, sorceress Morgan Le Fey uses her magic to assemble a team of skull-cracking warriors who must somehow work together to save all of existence. There’s the young trickster Anansi, Viking shield maiden Birka, the shape shifting Nanook, and their leader, heir to a fallen kingdom and mightiest of warriors, KULL!
Though their alliance is uneasy, they will do whatever it takes to cut the heart right out of their mutual enemy, leaving a path of ruin through everything and everyone that stands in their way!
Before The Avengers, The Justice League, The X-Men, before it all…stood The Mighty Barbarians!

SHEPHERDESS WARRIORS VOL. 2, story by Jonathan Garnier, Art by Amélie Fléchais ∙ SRP: 14.99 ∙ 168 Pages ∙ ISBN: 978-1-68497-257-9 ∙ Suitable for Young Adult Readers Ages 8+ ∙ Available January 10th
It’s been 10 years since the men of the village left to fight in The Great War. Ten years since they left the women, children, and the older generation for a conflict far away from home and that they knew almost nothing about, except that it was about the security of their nation, their valley, and their families. Ten years have passed since anyone has had any news of the war…
But the women quickly took charge of village matters. This is how the Order of Shepherdess Warriors was formed, a group of female fighters chosen among the most courageous and acrimonious, to protect not only their flocks, but also the village! Molly is proud to count herself among the Order, but she cannot overcome the dark dangers facing her and her friends by enthusiasm alone.

WITCH OF MINE, VOL. 3, Story by Haeyoon, Art by Mas ∙ SRP: 19.99 ∙ 250 Pages ∙ ISBN: 978-1-68497-231-9∙ Suitable for Mature Readers ∙ Available January 31st
In these times, if you’re too good or bad at something or simply too beautiful, you’re called a witch. But there also exist magical beings called witches, who can wield great powers of destruction and manipulation, sometimes doing so in the pursuit of love with human beings.
After witnessing the trials of their sisters’ love affairs with humans, will the rest of the “family” be perturbed by the bittersweet possibilities? Or will still more witches inevitably fall for the charm of humans, whether it end in pleasure or pain? Violetta, who’s made a name for herself in the human world as a writer, finds herself drawn to a young novice in her field. Meanwhile, the close pair of Linda and Margaret find themselves at odds when Linda’s poor luck with love rears its head again. Can they navigate their respective entanglements and make it safely to the other side?
Catch Advance Soliciations Opening in January 2024 for these February Releases:

THE KALEVALA: THE GRAPHIC NOVEL, Story and Art by Sami Makkola ∙ SRP: 29.99 ∙ 308 Pages ∙ ISBN: 978-1-68497-228-9 ∙ Suitable for Mature Readers ∙ Available February 14th
A bold new adaptation of The Kalevala that is visually powerful and accessible. Creator Sami Makkola brings Kalevala to a whole new level and emphasizes horror elements that are often overlooked in the background when the main events of Kalevala are discussed.
Sami Makkola is internationally renowned and is a recipient of the Sarjas Award for Best Fantasy Fiction. He also has been nominated for the Ghastly Awards for his horror work. His other awards include:
- Sarjakuvantekijät RY award 2007 (Sarjas Award for Best Fantasy Comic)
- Independent Publisher Book Awards Graphic Novel/Drawn Book – Drama/Documentary 2010
- Independent Publisher Book Awards Graphic Novel/Drawn Book – Drama/Documentary 2011
- USA Best Book Award Comics: Graphic Novels 2013

CENTAURS, VOL 3, Story and Art by Ryo Sumiyoshi ∙ SRP: 12.99 ∙ 180 Pages ∙ ISBN: 978-1-68497-224-1 ∙ Suitable for Teen Readers ∙ Available February 14th
The time of war and oppression at the hands of humans has ended for centaurs. With peace restored, both species try to live side by side, cooperating to survive but never forgetting the past. This is especially true for two centaurs whose fathers suffered at the hands of humans to give their children freedom and a life they never had.
Tanikaze grew up in the mountains, never experiencing the war but fully aware of the cruelties of men put upon his father Kohibari. Gonta, son of Matsukaze, will never forget the past and how it separated him from his father at a time when he needed him the most. These two centaurs must find a way to lead their people in a supposed time of peace but with danger waiting to strike at any moment.

WAKFU MANGA VOL 3: THE MINES OF LAMORORIA, story by Tot and Azra, Art by Said Sassine ∙ SRP: 12.99 ∙ 200 Pages ∙ ISBN: 978-1-68497-225-8 ∙ Suitable for Teen Readers ∙ Available February 14th
From TOT, the creator of the NETFLIX anime hit, comes this exciting new manga series! The adventures of the Brotherhood of the Tofu continue in a story that directly follows season 2 of the Anime series.
Yogu and his companions are heading to Mount Zinit at the end of the world, still hoping to find the Eliatrope Dofus. But to get there, they must trust the volatile Shushu, who is the only one able to navigate the Justice Train. And if they think their destination will be the only dangerous part of their journey, they’ve forgotten how their trip has gone so far. One thing is certain: the Brotherhood of Tofu will not be short of adventures!