Author: Newsroom
JAN. 28, 2024, (PORTLAND, OR) — Mad Cave Studios is thrilled to debut an exclusive page reveal from ONE PATH, the groundbreaking new series by celebrated creators Greg Broadmore (Dr. Grordbort’s) and Andy Lanning (Guardians of the Galaxy), with letters by Rob Jones.
This visceral, high-stakes tale plunges readers into a savage prehistoric world where survival is an unrelenting battle against giant primordial beasts and nature’s harshest elements.
Hunted by giant primordial beasts, red in tooth and claw, a tribe of cavegirls scratch out a bleak existence in a brutal uncaring world. They cling onto a life where not many make it beyond the first few months, let alone to adulthood. Governed by ancient laws and arcane rituals – the only constants they have – they follow the old ways of pain of death.
But One Path, a hunter and warrior, has a plan to change their lives. To free them from the toll the great predators that stalk them charge, and it will overturn everything they know. Sometimes change is scarier than death.

Advance Praise for ONE PATH
“Wildly beautiful and intense beyond compare. Unforgettable images from a brilliantly conceived world.” —Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash)
“A gorgeously-rendered story of hope and discovery in a truly original setting.”
—Paul Cornell (Doctor Who)
“This is as dark and visceral as heroic fantasy gets, particularly in comic form—and for readers who enjoy the genre, this book delivers the goods, along with the gore. The pull of tradition collides with the reality of progress in this grim and graphic fantasy tale.” —Kirkus Reviews
“[It] keeps readers in suspense, offering an unpredictable and exciting narrative that explores a wide range of creative possibilities.” —Screenrant
“A visceral, uncompromising tale that drags the reader into a raw, primal world of dark fantasy.”
Survival is brutal, but change may be deadlier in this gripping prehistoric epic! One Path drops in comic shops and bookstores Mar. 17, so make your orders now.
Get the latest news on Mad Cave Studios on social media, or visit www.madcavestudios.com to check out the full lineup of new releases, licenses, and celebrated creator-owned titles!
For additional press queries, please contact Don’t Hide PR, Melissa Meszaros: melissa@donthidepr.com.