Author: Travis Hayward
On Tuesday, April 3, 2018, fans far and wide gathered on Hollywood Boulevard to celebrate Lynda Carter, who, after 50 years in the entertainment industry, has finally received her star on the Walk of Fame. Having appeared in several films and television roles over the years, Carter is best known for starring as the titular character on the Wonder Woman television series, which ran from 1975-1979 on both ABC and CBS, respectively.
The short but prestigious ceremony began with the introduction of Les Moonves, Chairman, President, and CEO of the CBS Corporation. He shared a charming story of how he had the biggest crush on Carter when they first met all those years ago. Of course, like many who have fallen for the star-spangled beauty, he was too afraid to ask her out. Still, the two have remained good friends throughout the years, and he noted that he was privileged to have been asked to speak at the ceremony.
Moonves then handed the floor to Patty Jenkins, the director of last year’s hit live-action Wonder Woman film. While Carter could not shoot a cameo for the film during production, the two hinted at a possible appearance in the sequel due out in 2019.
“Lynda’s portrayal of Wonder Woman made me fall in love with her because her Wonder Woman made me believe that I could have whatever I wanted,” said Jenkins, “And even more importantly, it made me unashamed to want it.” Jenkins also noted, “She wasn’t afraid to be soft while tough, she wasn’t afraid to be as loving as she was strong, she wasn’t afraid to love being a woman and celebrate her femininity, all while kicking ass and changing the world.”
After Jenkins’ kind words, Carter took to the stage to accept this immortalizing honor. Joined with her husband, Robert A. Altman, and her two children, Jessica, and James Altman, she beamed at her family and crowd.
“Wonder Woman gave birth to my career, and now we have come full circle, haven’t we?” said Carter. She added to the crowd, “And we have millions of new fans—so I thank you and, yes, you are [all] my sister in so many ways.”
The celebration ended with Carter taking photos with her star and with devotees donned in her character’s iconic wrist cuffs and tiara.
Anyone wanting to visit Lynda Carter’s star, it can be found at 6562 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028: