Author: Newsroom
New York, NY— September 23, 2024 — Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness’ 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN begins this November in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #61. To celebrate this new Spidey epic, superstar artist Skottie Young will deliver an instantly iconic variant cover for each of the 10 parts. In Young’s unmistakable style, these eye-catching covers shrink Spider-Man super tiny to spotlight all the different ways to kill a spider!
8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN kicks off when Doctor Doom, now Sorcerer Supreme, tasks Spider-Man to face down the Scions of Cyttorak, god-like mystical beings that are way out of Spidey’s league! Luckily for him, Doom has given Spider-Man a new, magic-powered suit and EIGHT EXTRA LIVES with which to save the world—and he’ll need every last one!
Check out Young’s first three 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN covers and stay tuned for more to be revealed in the months ahead. For more information, visit Marvel.com.