
Blood, Sweat and Tears: A Christmas Story

All right, what I have for you this week is a short, shameless plug post.

It’s short mainly because I pulled just about every muscle in my legs painting at the new site for the non-profit I work for. Pain killers make coherent thought difficult.

Here’s where the shameless plug comes in. Our agency has to move sites due to unforeseen circumstances…and we have little in the way of funding to pay for the move.

Two days ago we painted the new site ourselves (hence the pain in my legs) with the help of about 20 high school seniors (not our clients).

We got a lot of work done, but there’s a lot more to do…plus the moving.

In order to help keep us running smoothly and giving our clients the care they need and deserve, we’ve set up a campaign on Indiegogo. We have a little over 2 weeks left in the campaign (it ends Jan. 5), and would appreciate any help whatsoever.

Here’s the URL for our campaign site: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/la-cheim-school-move

If you can’t donate, please share our Indiegogo campaign with your social networks to help get the word out.

Thanks for listening to my shameless plug, and Happy Holidays.

As a thank you in advance here’s a gift from me to you because it wouldn’t be Christmas without this jolly ol’ man (You’re welcome.):

…wait for it…


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