
Bo Burnham Inside

#301: Link, Lara, and Josué talk about Bo Burnham’s recent Netflix special, Inside. We talk about what makes these songs so special, and how much they resonate with our experiences during the pandemic.


Josué Cardona 0:00
Welcome to gt radio on the Geek Therapy network. here at Geek Therapy We believe that the best way to understand each other and ourselves is through the media we care about. My name is Josué Cardona. And I’m joined by Lara Taylor.

Lara Taylor 0:00

Josué Cardona 0:00
and Link Keller.

Link Keller 0:23

Josué Cardona 0:25
So team this week, I want to tell you story. So this week, my sister went to visit my mom. And before I moved to Chicago, I left a whole bunch of boxes at my mom’s house. labeled numbered. Because I was going to come back in like three weeks to pick stuff up and then

Lara Taylor 0:52
and then a pandemic happened.

Josué Cardona 0:52
Yeah, so my sister’s there. And I told her like, hey, like my psvr? Is there like, take it with you for the kids? haven’t been back for? She was like, Oh, I don’t know what box it’s in. She said, they’re numbered. And I forgot that they were numbered. So then I looked, I was like, Oh, wait, I mean, I know until I checked my notes. And I had taken pictures of every box. And I had a checklist with all the things that were in each box.

Lara Taylor 1:19
That is how I wish I packed the last time I moved. And I think we did that for some boxes and boxes, it was just like, labeled random shit.

Josué Cardona 1:28
That’s not that’s not the way to do it. But the reason I did that is because I wanted to, when I came back, know exactly where things were. So I could either pack them up differently or do something. So as I’m helping her find this, and I’m looking at those pictures, I felt so sad. Because I remember when I took those pictures, and when I packed those boxes, I had an idea of I had plans. Everything is different. Now, the whole year. It’s been a year and a half since that happened, and just made me so sad to remember how I felt in that moment. And I tried to explain to my sister How sad I felt like she didn’t understand at all. Like what I was, she was like, oh, because you don’t have your stuff. And I was like, No, it was because like the entire, like, I had hopes and dreams that I built into these pictures and nothing happened the way I planned for it to happen. And I was so upset that she couldn’t understand the way I was feeling. And we always talk on the show about having media that you can just point to and be like, that’s how I feel. I don’t know if I have the words for it. I could only say that I was sad. But damn Bo Burnham’s inside gave me like for at least four different things that I could have pointed at yesterday to tell my sister or whatever that was my sister like that. That’s how I feel. I feel sad isn’t the word. It’s that it’s this. It’s this song is this song. So today we’re gonna talk about bo burnham’s inside, which I believe is a work of art and the most 2021 thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I think it’s incredible. And thank you Link for insisting that. That’d be this week’s topic.

Link Keller 2:33
Yeah. yuuupp.

Josué Cardona 2:35
Was that a good setup? before? We’re gonna talk about?

Josué Cardona 2:37
Yes. Yes, I saw that it had popped up on Netflix. And I have, you know, watched some of Bo Burnham’s YouTube many years ago, and I like his work. And I was like, Oh, I’m gonna check that out. And then didn’t, and then my Tik tok, for you page became nothing but bo burnham

Lara Taylor 2:52
they would not shut up about it

Link Keller 2:54
And there were a couple that were just funny. And I was like, Okay, this is you’ve enticed me with your humor I’m in but there were a couple that you know, people were reacting to it in there, what they thought the meaning behind the songs were and pointing out you know, hidden details from the film and everything. And I was like, Okay, I gotta. I gotta sit down and watch this. And I loved it. and watched it like three four more times since then. Including earlier before recording I I watched it on one and a half speed because Netflix lets you do that now. Because I wanted to I’m showing this on the zoom for the audience. But yeah, yes, I I took I took notes. I wanted to take notes. And I only I only had an hour before recording and the special is an hour and 27 minutes so I had to work quickly.

Josué Cardona 4:43
I almost did the same thing. Something else yeah.

Link Keller 4:48
Yeah. I really enjoyed it. It does absolutely feel. So So representative of this this cultural moment of sort of like Coming out of the pandemic, that the pandemic is not over, people are still getting sick people are still dying. People still need to get vaccinated. It’s not donezos. But socially, culturally, we are in this like, okay, we’re finally getting to, like, go out again. And having this piece of art comedy short show the comedy special sort of dig through the experiences of 2020 and existing through the pandemic, particularly in social media spaces, because that was where we were allowed to be together. And so it was a wild ride and full of things for us to talk about.

Josué Cardona 5:37
Yeah, for any of you haven’t watched it? Yeah, he filmed this in one room at home, during the pandemic, and he talks but yeah, mostly songs with titles like FaceTime with my mom tonight; unpaid intern; look who’s inside again.

Link Keller 6:10
Welcome to the internet.

Josué Cardona 6:12
Welcome to the internet. Shit is a is a you may have heard that one. That one’s like all over tic Tok.

Link Keller 6:25

Josué Cardona 6:26
Yep. Yeah. White woman’s Instagram is a is excellent. Yeah, there’s 20 tracks on this on this soundtrack. It is, um, it’s an experience. Yeah, so. Link to take it away. Where do you want to start?

Link Keller 6:46
Where do I want to start? Mmm hmm. Do I want to try and work through this crap. We’re not going to there’s not enough time to go as deep into this as I want to. Um, let’s just start what what’s your way? What? What is your favorite song? Pick one.

Josué Cardona 7:05
I think shit is my favorite song. I think

Link Keller 7:06
shit is very catchy.

Josué Cardona 7:08
It’s catchy. But also what you were saying. Like people are trying to understand what the lyrics mean. I’m like, yeah, how do you interpret what shit? What the lyrics?

Link Keller 7:17
Tell me how you feel? I feel like shit.

Josué Cardona 7:19
Yep. Yeah.

Lara Taylor 7:21
That’s pretty right there on the nose.

Josué Cardona 7:25
I mean, the lyrics go. How are you feeling out there tonight? I’m not feeling good. Wake up at 1130 feel like a bag of shit. All my clothes are dirty. smelly, like a bag of shit. And then, you know, it just keeps going. You don’t have time? I’d like to day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You know? That’s, that’s, uh, I remember those days.

Link Keller 7:46
Yeah, it definitely reflected a big vibe. I want to say like, eight months into the pandemic, when people were like, Oh, my God, this is still happening. And everybody’s just posting about like, lol, I’m, like, so depressed. I felt like that song really embodied that of just feeling absolutely garbage. But still feeling the need to perform in such a way of like, I’m still living my life things. They’re not normal, but things are still happening. And it’s like, I just fucking feel like shit. And I having a song that just says that is really nice. I sent you guys a tik tok where a musical therapist was talking about how she loved that song so much. Because that’s basically like, She’s like, if one of my clients wrote this. In my therapy, I wouldn’t lose my mind. This is exactly the kind of stuff I’m looking for. Ah, yeah.

Josué Cardona 8:57
Yes. For me, it was like October when I had gained over 20 pounds. I didn’t know where deodorant was because I didn’t use deodorant and so long because there was no need. I don’t remember if I brought that up on the show. Ever.

Lara Taylor 9:10
I think you did

Josué Cardona 9:11
i’m sure it’s come up in conversation because it was like, it was like a I remember that moment. I was like, I need deodorant. I have no idea where the deodorant is. Like, I like it wasn’t like at some point I put it away because I was like, I haven’t used this in a while. It’s it’s like taking up space on the counter. Let me put this up. I couldn’t find it. That’s that song. That’s, I remember that for me. That was October. That was a point. Somewhere in October.

Lara Taylor 9:40
Yeah. I like that you have like a time in like timeframe. Well, I

Josué Cardona 9:46
remember it October when that’s like when I started. I was like, Oh, I need to I need to do something about this. That’s like when I went on a diet and started exercising and then like I’ve lost close to 50 pounds now after that, but like I had to gain 20 to a point where it’s like, felt like a bag of shit. You know? It’s like hit hit ATL. All Time Low. It’s a reference,

Link Keller 10:10
not Atlanta,

Lara Taylor 10:11
not Atlanta.

Josué Cardona 10:12
not Atlanta Yeah, yep. Yep. Yep. So that’s my favorite song.

Lara Taylor 10:18
I’m trying to think. So,

Josué Cardona 10:22
just tell us you don’t like it just just come out and just tell us you didn’t like any song.

Lara Taylor 10:26
Okay, so I didn’t

Link Keller 10:27
I figured we’d circle back around to that.

Lara Taylor 10:34
It’s not that I like I didn’t, I didn’t like it. There are moments where I was laughing. There were moments I’m not gonna say it wasn’t funny. It wasn’t relatable, definitely was funny and relatable, and a lot of but I just the whole time I was like, This is not my thing. Um, but the songs were fucking catchy. Um, I have had white woman’s Instagram stuck in my head. Even though that one actually had a moment that I was actually like, huh? I’m not okay with that. Um, but

Josué Cardona 11:10
which one? That’s the one I wanted.

Lara Taylor 11:12
Well, the part of the part of that song that I didn’t like, was when he was making fun of people, you know, white women posting about their mom dying on social media.

Link Keller 11:21
Okay, so

Lara Taylor 11:22
that was actually, really? So I didn’t bother me until Nina brought up she was like, Did you like that? And I was like, No, it didn’t feel good. I

Link Keller 11:31
can I just can I just point out a little fancy little detail that you might have missed during that part. Okay, so it during that part, white woman’s Instagram, that is what the song is about is talking about Instagram, the aspect ratio of the the frame is in the Instagrams squarish. Yep. When he is doing the talking about my mom and really missing you, it starts to get wider and it becomes real life because that’s how it he uses the framing throughout the film is whenever he’s doing full screen. That’s the behind the scenes stuff, even though it’s all performative. But as soon as she switches to, the more like, Oh, yeah, I’ve got a boyfriend, who I really like, Oh, I love my boys, when I get back into the performative aspect is like, look how great my life is. And so it’s like, this moment of realness, and it starts to open up, and then that shift right back into the performative social media aspect. I

Lara Taylor 12:30
okay, less angry Still, the whole thing is not quite my thing. But the song that I did enjoy the most.

Josué Cardona 12:39
wait wait since we’re here and I no no no I want to hear

Lara Taylor 12:44
he does. He doesn’t want to hear my excitement. He wants me to shit on it.

Josué Cardona 12:48
I just don’t, no, no. I just don’t want to come back cuz I just want I just want to know if it’s if it’s because you’re a white woman on Instagram.

Lara Taylor 12:55
I’m actually not on Instagram very often.

Josué Cardona 12:59
Because because there’s definitely I felt attacked multiple times during this special. It felt a little too real. And I think that’s one of the songs I was just curious if that was

Lara Taylor 13:09
it might be umm

Josué Cardona 13:11
maybe not you personally, but maybe you’re like, Oh, this is making fun of like every person in my family and half my friends.

Lara Taylor 13:17
No, I I liked the rest of the song I liked I liked the rest of the song. I think it was the fact that I know so many people who are white or not white who use social media to be able to experience like express their grief over a loved one and build community over that. So but other than that, and I knew that was gonna come up, but yes, the rest of the song I was like, Oh, that’s funny, because I see I see my friends Instagrams and that I rarely post I post cat cat pictures once every like year

Link Keller 13:57
in my opinion that’s the only way applications should be used. Only Cat

Lara Taylor 14:03
cat pictures only cats. Um, but if we get to the song that I actually like, liked the most was FaceTime with my mom tonight. Only because we have tried to FaceTime with Nina’s mom so many times during this and she doesn’t do a lot of like the the finger over the camera, but like we’re like we’re trying to spend time with you. Let’s spend time with you and you just don’t get it. Get it. Yeah,

Josué Cardona 14:31
I tell. I tell my boys I need some space. Yeah, on my face. With my mom’s shoulder iPhone no further than six inches from her face. Yeah, we’ll FaceTime with my mom tonight. The whole thing is like are we all facetiming with the same people like it just does just everybody FaceTime the same way? When she says when he says she’ll tell me about the season six finale of the blacklist. That’s my mom. i had that conversation.

Lara Taylor 14:58
That’s great.

Josué Cardona 14:59
I think That, that that destroyed me. It was it was so funny. So funny. Yeah. And he’s like, and when you see him He’s so it’s like it’s it’s a, it’s it seems like almost torture for him, right? It’s like he’s like, oh, like I’m going through this like you can see, like the pain and almost the disbelief in his in his face as he’s like dealing with going through this facetiming with the mom. So it’s That’s good. That’s good.

Link Keller 15:39
Yeah, sort of showcasing, like the need for family interaction that we were all missing out but also the incredible frustration of having to completely change the way you communicate with your family. Because you can’t you can’t do it in person anymore.

Josué Cardona 15:57
But the comedy of it too, right. It’s

Lara Taylor 15:58

Link Keller 16:01
mom. Oh my god. move your thumb!

Lara Taylor 16:04
Move Your thumb! Yeah.

Josué Cardona 16:04
just use your phone. It’s cool. Like, like back in the old days. You don’t we don’t need Yeah. That was

Link Keller 16:17
my housemate. Sioni, also really related to that and she told me after that song ended, she’s like, Oh, my God, I I was on like, during the pandemic, I was on a video call with my dad. And twice he put the phone up to his head, forgot he was on video. twice in the same call.

Lara Taylor 16:37
We went to, we went to we went to temple services several times during the pandemic and like, seeing these older Jewish ladies with the phone and we would see just see their nose, because it would just be like, held up under their face. You see their nose because they’d be on their iPhones on zoom.

Josué Cardona 17:02
Yeah, yeah.

Lara Taylor 17:05
It was your teenagers were like,

Josué Cardona 17:07
what was your favorite? Link?

Link Keller 17:09
Mmm Hmm, I think probably my favorite is the funny feeling song. Is it? Yep, that feeling is probably my favorite. But I also I really love Welcome to the internet. Both because it’s a very funny song. And I feel like it is basically media psych a song. But I also really like it because the like tempo pacing of the song has like very Jewish vibes. I don’t know, I just I really um. I really like it. It’s fun. It’s fun to dance. welcome to the Internet!

Josué Cardona 17:58
When in that funny feeling when he when he says stunning 8k resolution meditation app. That was another one where like, I almost spit out what I was drinking. In honor of the revolution, it’s half off at the gap.

Link Keller 18:13
Really good lines in that one.

Josué Cardona 18:15
Yeah. I mean, there’s a lot. There’s a lot. Yeah. It’s all funny, because it’s true. And it’s all sad because it’s true. And it’s um, we’re talking about a lot of the funny ones. But But. But you mentioned like, like, there’s that there are those moments where like, it’s real. And there’s like, moments in between the songs. And there’s he does this on almost every song I think, right? It’s like the song switches all of a sudden, right? It starts one way or like, Oh, yeah, no, okay, now we got real it. The beat hasn’t changed. It’s we’re still having fun. But it’s like, oh, this is this is an existential crisis. And I can relate to a lot of things here. It is it it really, it really shocked me. I think there’s a I remember watching by what’s called mythic quest was the first show that and they kind of just like, the season was over. And then they put out an extra episode that they recorded at the beginning of the pandemic. And it was the first one where I felt like oh, like this experience that everybody is dealing with around the world is being reflected in a TV show. And I’ve seen these characters that I’m familiar with going through what I’m going through the first one was I

Link Keller 19:41
that episode literally made me cry. I cried so much. Episode cried. Yeah, this is my relationship with Jessica at this point is she suggests Hey, I think you would like this show. And then I sent her pictures of me crying to said show.

Josué Cardona 19:59
Yeah, yeah. That episode is special and it came out. Like you saw it recently, right? You saw?

Link Keller 20:05
Probably, I don’t know, three or four weeks ago.

Josué Cardona 20:08
Yeah. And I saw it a year ago now, like that came out, right when people were still like, oh, like, I guess I guess we’re because we’re home, like, people can’t go to the office, things are really bad. And it like that episode shows a mom, right like, complaining about having her kids home from school and trying to like teach them math while also trying to do the, the HR work. And it was, it was it was a hell of an episode. But it felt like it felt real because they were all like on zoom and doing things like that, um, parks and rec did an episode around that time. But it was way funnier. It was it was you know, it was it didn’t feel it didn’t feel like like the mythical beast episode. And I haven’t seen too many shows that addressed it head on. And in a way that felt like this is it. This feels like that, right? Because he’s recording it inside. And it’s called inside, recorded in one room. Right? And then again, I don’t know how much of it is, is, is just acting for the purpose of the special. But the fact that he’s going over time, you know, and he’s explaining and he’s, he’s telling you, I cannot. It’s been six months, that moment when he turns 30. Right. Again, I don’t know. But so so he, it’s like it’s midnight on his 30th birthday. And just the weight of a milestone like that happening There. like, I don’t know, I believe them. And that’s a hell of a moment to catch on. Again, I’m assuming that that that’s exactly what happened. And he recorded it. It’s he captured

Link Keller 21:47
a feeling of having having a milestone, a birthday something generally and celebrate with other people, and just be Oh, here I am alone. Inside inside my rooms.

Lara Taylor 22:02
I had So many clients have milestone birthdays during this past year. And like, that feeling was real.

Josué Cardona 22:11
That actually might be my favorite song for other reasons, but I’m not going to

Link Keller 22:15
turn 30

Josué Cardona 22:17
Yeah, that might be that might actually be my favorite song. It’s I think it’s the one that made me laugh the most.

Lara Taylor 22:25
I felt called out when people who were 30 are born in 1990.

Link Keller 22:33

Josué Cardona 22:42
in this part hit me in a way that I wasn’t completely out of left field. I didn’t expect this in the song. Right? But he goes in now my stupid friends are having super children. I complain about this all the time, because I’m in that age, right? Like, again, I’ve turned 30 you know, seven years ago, I remember. It wasn’t in the middle of pandemic or nothing like that. But that but

Lara Taylor 23:03
our friends are having suit your stupid friends are having stupid children.

Josué Cardona 23:07
I get I mean, you know, to be completely honest, like I get one of my friends get either married or have kids. It’s like, will I ever see them again. Like I don’t know. And half the time. It’s, it’s over. And and that that really. He just said stupid children.

Lara Taylor 23:27
stupid fucking ugly, boring. Children.

Josué Cardona 23:30
Yes. That’s a quote from the song.

Link Keller 23:34
I’m living with my married friends and baby. Look at each other. Look down at the baby. And they’re like, that’s awesome! We’re the stupid friends having a stupid baby. Oh,

Josué Cardona 23:53
I don’t I don’t want to do that. I don’t have to live with my stupid friends having stupid children to be able to still see them. But

Link Keller 23:59
it’s a it’s a choice.

Josué Cardona 24:03
But but

Link Keller 24:03
it is a solution.

Josué Cardona 24:05
I love that the song is about like, hitting that milestone, turning 30 and then just like, oh, right now I’m like, this is what I have to look forward to my stupid friends having stupid children. Like, like, my 20s are over. This is what the future is like, and that I can that whole thing was just wow. Yeah,

Link Keller 24:28
yeah, he touches on mortality a couple of times. And I feel like that that turning 30 part where he’s like we are, you know, 60 seconds out from my birthday and you just sit in silence.

Josué Cardona 24:42
He says I’m going to enjoy the rest of my 20s and get back to work and then you just sit there with him. Just watch the clock change from 1159 to twleve o clock.

Link Keller 24:49
Yeah, it is just this silence except for like added in cricket noises is so good. But really it really like. I feel like he’s sort of cycled back to that over and over again. There’s a line in the in funny feeling is that that the quiet comprehending of the ending of it all. and stuff like that and sort of returning to this aspect of like, being trapped inside and having nothing to do but actually, like, sit down and think about how these things in your life are ending, whether naturally or because it’s a pandemic. And just finding different ways in your life to sort of keep coming back to that is like, the death of his 20s. It’s like, okay, now back to work is like, Oh, you could you could ponder on your mortality, but like, that is also like a huge bummer. So maybe, if you think about something else, I don’t know play a video game.

Josué Cardona 25:54
Ah. When he plays a video game, I thought that part was

Lara Taylor 26:01
that was that was the best part.

Josué Cardona 26:03
That part was great.

Lara Taylor 26:04
I really loved that part.

Link Keller 26:06
was definitely a switcheroo for me because they did the Oh, I’m gonna play a game and it’s set up streamer setup, and it does the title inside. I’m like, Oh my God, is he gonna play like inside inside the game? Oh, no, no, no, no, very different. Oh.

Josué Cardona 26:23
Oh, but and that’s one of those where it’s like, it’s similar to white woman’s Instagram, right? It’s like he is just like, pointing out. Haha, maybe some of the more. He just like stereotypical streamer. Right. It’s like everything about streaming that I don’t like. He just he was just like, front and center like, perfect. Acting, did the whole thing. The video game. He press X to cry, often,

Lara Taylor 26:52
often. And played the piano.

Josué Cardona 26:55
He took a dig at Death Stranding, which I thought was great. Oh, that was that was that was good. I get like it’s full of comedy in between, it will have these really, it’s mostly music. It just, it just does. So it does so much that like I can’t stop thinking about it.

Link Keller 27:16
yeah the past couple days, I just I can’t stop thinking about it.

Josué Cardona 27:20
Because like we haven’t even touched on. And I’m curious if you see it this way, but it’s like, what do you think about when you just have all this free time and don’t go out the door? And what do you what do you do? And so he sings about Jeff Bezos and unpaid interns and like, how the world works, right? And like this, this reality of like, the world sucks. The world sucks it sucked before you know, this. Let me tell you about the about the world outside. It’s not great. I think there’s a line which is the one it’s one of the last songs Let me see it’s probably in Is it a good bye? Is it in all eyes on me?

Link Keller 28:05
gimme a hint

Josué Cardona 28:06
where he says like, when he talks about like the sea levels are rising.

Link Keller 28:10
So that is on all eyes on me. I would like to point out to you actually, that might be in funny feeling he brings up the ocean rising at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5….4 or five times separately that that comes up. The other thing that comes up a couple of times is MLK. And using crosses iconography, he he returns to that a couple of times which I think is really interesting. This is stuff that I took my notes on okay

Josué Cardona 28:47
okay, yeah

Link Keller 28:48
i have a little asterix that says ocean so i know he talked about the ocean rising

Josué Cardona 28:53
Yeah, this is good Yeah, because in in all eyes on me when he brings it up that part like it got stuck with me right it’s like you say the oceans rising like I give a shit you say the world’s ending honey at already did it’s the world sucks right like you’re talking about this one thing that’s gonna happen in the future but like the world sucks right now. Yeah. How was it he reference the sea level sea level rise what what are the songs was it in?

Link Keller 29:26
Um, it was mentioned in the opening content song. Or maybe in the comedy part, early on mentions like global warming, ocean rising sort of thing. And then in white woman, Instagram, the ocean is referenced. And then funny feeling and all eyes on me both reference the ocean rising

Josué Cardona 29:56
I mean. I think the point is that the some of the song was like he’s in He doesn’t. Actually I don’t remember if he says depression specifically, he just talked about suicide later on, right? explicitly. And I really like the way the way. I like that, like, that’s a whole thing we can talk about. But like, there is like, there are ups and downs. Right? throughout. But ultimately there is like a feeling of depression. Right? It’s like, how do you how do you? It looks like this. I remember.

Link Keller 30:32
Yeah. has a he has a part where he talks about I know, I know, I’m joking about killing myself. But like, don’t kill yourself, like don’t do it. And says something about like, of course, like, if I could kill myself for like, a year, I would do that. I would do that immediately. Like I deeply related to that one, I was like, oh, buddy, I felt that many times during the pandemic, it’s like, Can I just put me in a coma for a while I don’t want to perceive.

Josué Cardona 31:07
But the way you just said it. It sounds way more dismissive than the way that he talked about like, even even in his joking way. Like, he was like, he was like, I get it, like, don’t do it. Right. It wasn’t like, it wasn’t like, Don’t do it. Don’t do it.

Link Keller 31:23
Well he did both, he did the Don’t do it and then he’s like, don’t do it. And then he, he does. I have I’ve had friends around me who’ve killed themselves. And it was not a great time. And I don’t know if that is true. For him personally, I mean, statistically, probably. But that’s one of those things, I feel like this is a broader conversation. Bo Burnham is very much into discussing parasocial relationships, because it personally affects him very deeply. And he feels like this is something that we should talk about more I agree with him as something he brings up in this special and I think that that is is part of it is when he phrases it in that way of like, he’s talking to us, like don’t kill yourself. And then I’ve had other like, I’ve had other friends other for, you know, like, you, you You’re my friend, and I don’t want you to kill yourself.

Josué Cardona 32:21
No, it’s there was a there was a there was something about it. Like it felt like one of those real moments, right? He was like, Look, I need to like I need to, I need to say this. So he doesn’t sing this part. He’s sitting there. And even you can see him fighting with trying to be funny, and just trying to be serious, or at least that’s the way I read it. I was like, this is a serious topic. And like, and this is how I feel. It’s like, and look, I don’t want to kill myself. I know. I know. That’s what I’m saying. Actually, I had a conversation with someone recently about this. He was saying I was trying to explain that fatalistic humor, right? That or way of coping, the way we talk about, like, you know, we see on social media that like, Oh, I woke up again this morning. Damn, right. It’s like, yeah, is that is that suicidal ideation? Or is that like, Oh?

Lara Taylor 33:11
Or is it gallows humor, or?

Josué Cardona 33:13
Yeah, yeah, exactly. But it’s like it’s

Link Keller 33:15
how much more apparent that became Do you know how more how much more prevalent it became during the pandemic and people posting online but in face generation there definitely be like, there was a big hump of just like, suicidal and and un-aliving and stuff like that was very much a meme-ified and I absolutely think that that was a coping mechanism for

Josué Cardona 33:42
one hundered percent

Link Keller 33:43
the pandemic and like

Josué Cardona 33:45
but he explained it perfectly right?

Link Keller 33:47
not having like outlets to actually talk about all of the the death that was happening. And so finding, finding a way to do it online, and then of course, having that be reflected over and over again, because that’s how social media works. Yeah. Yeah.

Josué Cardona 34:05
But that way of framing it again, yes. Like you said, like, just like, I get it. I I don’t want that’s what I mean. I wish I could like flip a switch not forever. Just for a bit cuz things suck and I want to take a break

Link Keller 34:18
The thing about killing yourself is it’s forever and I don’t want to do that forever. Yeah, just I’m just a year maybe I do. I would like to Asterix point out that. At the end of the credits, there is a you know, if you have you know, suicidal ideation or thoughts of harming yourself, please reach out seek help. www dot want to talk about which I was like, Oh, interesting. So I did that

Lara Taylor 34:18
might have been nicer before the end of the credits.

Link Keller 34:48
Especially Okay, so two things. two Criticisms.

Lara Taylor 34:51
I didn’t see it either. Yeah, because I once once it said the end, I was like,

Josué Cardona 34:58
Yeah, I was listening to but I like why away from the television,

Link Keller 35:01
two criticisms, and this is criticisms for Netflix not Bo Burnham’s inside Netflix cuts and makes the the credits very small and tries to pitch you on watching something else, which I feel like especially when you are putting things like this at the end. Don’t do that, like you’re undermining your own efforts here.

Lara Taylor 35:22
liek with thirteen reasons why they got so much shit and they put it at the beginning.

Link Keller 35:25
Yes. The second criticism is I went to want to talk about it .com. And it is it’s a Netflix page, it is Netflix. And they have links to other websites like the Trevor Project and the National Suicide Hotline and everything. However, you have to scroll past a line of Netflix movies and TV shows that they are recommending to you, which I was like, again, poor taste, y’all. But they did have resources and stuff. And some of the pages linked to what I assume were the 13 reason why extra stuff because one of them opened with somebody say, Oh, yeah, 13 reasons why I was like, okay, close. Next thing.

Lara Taylor 36:09
but, the thing. Putting it, it’s so you have to scroll down. If someone is feeling that way. They’re not going to scroll.

Josué Cardona 36:23
Okay, so I’m seeing the credits. Recorded live the house. Okay, there’s an acknowledgment and then copyright. Okay, sag AFTRA. And all the way after completely after the credits. Whoa. Well, if you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, or thoughts of suicide information and resources are available at www dot one talk about it dot com. It’s on the screen for like 1 2 3 4 seconds. And there’s like, there’s like a there’s like a gap between the last thing?

Link Keller 37:08
Yeah, like I said, I appreciate that. It’s there. But Netflix did it dirty? Yes, I do I

Josué Cardona 37:20
wait, what is what is it? What is it? What is the actual address?

Link Keller 37:23
Wanna talk about it? wanna talk about it w a n n a, t a l k A b o u t i t dot com.

Josué Cardona 37:34
So I misspelled it the first time because it’s not an easy one to talk about. If you or someone you know is struggling, you’re not alone. Below is information and how to find support. A a row of films. It’s not even. Okay.

Link Keller 37:52
There are links in case you were wondering if you wanted to watch the crown,

Lara Taylor 37:59
the crown, the crown because there’s some mental health bulimia stuff

Josué Cardona 38:05
for sure long enough. It’ll have mental health stuff like this doesn’t it doesn’t give me a reference. But

Lara Taylor 38:12
I get I get it the in the crown. There are several episodes where they have the link to this site because of the content.

Link Keller 38:21
That row and instead of being like Action, Horror or whatever it is, yeah, all movies and shows we had to put suicide warnings in after getting in trouble,

Lara Taylor 38:33

Josué Cardona 38:34
That’s the thing, right?

Lara Taylor 38:36
I think that’s what’s going on here though.

Josué Cardona 38:38
Yeah, that makes sense. it says sexual violence and abuse, mental health and well being

Lara Taylor 38:42
to the bone, sex education. It’s all the shows that have these warnings.

Josué Cardona 38:48
But it doesn’t even that doesn’t mean like it’s a resource site. It doesn’t even explain that that’s what it is. And if you click on mental health, on those

Link Keller 38:55
two, you need a resource you could check out this link, or you could watch The Crown.

Josué Cardona 39:01
Like, I mean, I mean, we have the GT library, like we list things till we can talk about but this doesn’t tell me why I should click on the crown or the Grand Army, right? But it also doesn’t say this. These are all the sites these are all the movies that on our episodes.

Lara Taylor 39:21
Let’s see things to keep in mind. anxiety, depression, loneliness. Learn more about each of those. What happens if I want to learn more about depression?

Josué Cardona 39:34
So like if I again, I’m going to click on the crown, I click on

Lara Taylor 39:38
a whole sheet about depression and it’s a how to deal with depression a guide from Crisis Text Line.

Josué Cardona 39:45
Look, this is no better than what most people you know, most of

Lara Taylor 39:48
this is actually pretty, like, comprehensive.

Josué Cardona 39:54
the, I’m not

Link Keller 39:54
Yeah, they’ve got resources. They’ve just set them up and like the least useful way,

Lara Taylor 40:00

Josué Cardona 40:01
there’s a there’s too much friction to get to that point is, is the thing and also

Lara Taylor 40:05
and the words for the word you can click on to that are above the row are very small.

Josué Cardona 40:11
And Link made a great point. Like if you’re watching it on TV, from the size of the TV, those credits turn into 1/16 of the size.

Lara Taylor 40:21
And nobody sticks around all the way to the end like that.

Josué Cardona 40:24
I did. but I was hearing it.

Lara Taylor 40:25
the average person watching wouldn’t

Link Keller 40:25
I’d like to but

Josué Cardona 40:25
they could have read it aloud

Link Keller 40:26
you have to get up and click on it, and god forbid it’s a show because then it’s like, you get a 14th of a second to press the button. Otherwise, we’re starting the next episode now.

Lara Taylor 40:39
Did they even did they even like do the voiceover like they just did their shows that like they didn’t do the like, for more resources blah blah

Link Keller 40:50
no they played out his they played out the very last song, which is very short and quiet over the credits. And then it’s like the last three or four credit pages were just silent and then it ended

Lara Taylor 41:02
interesting, because I was thinking about like, why did not there are a few reasons why I didn’t like this as much. And there were like I said, there were moments that like, I laughed, and I was like, okay, that’s real, like, I get that. Um, but I think for me, it was a lot like when I played depression quest, and I had a really hard time playing depression quest. I think it triggered a lot of things for me that I had felt like I moved through, maybe not past, but through. And I was being in a better place. I did not want to get sucked back into that. And I was like, This is not helping me.

Link Keller 41:38
Yeah. Yeah. The distinction of feeling like oh my gosh, he’s like holding up a mirror to my current experience versus like, hold on. Let me put this like harness on you. And jerk you back to your past is a very different vibe. Yeah,

Lara Taylor 41:51
yeah. Yeah. And the other reason I think I have a hard time with it is a Nina and I talked about this, like, we go to the SF MoMA go to the Museum of Modern Art, and I get none of the art. I’m like, I need someone to explain it to me. And this, I was like, I can get the jokes, I can get the like, but a lot of the symbolism and everything, especially being in a mindset where I’m like, Oh, this doesn’t feel good. I’m like, I don’t get it. But otherwise, there were fun moments.

Link Keller 42:23
the scene of him lying on the floor, surrounded by cables, and he’s sort of monologuing about how like, wow, maybe it was a bad idea to give social media, all of this constant access to us and insider knowledge about who we are as people and the ability to control us through all of that knowledge. Maybe that was a bad idea. dot dot dot, I’m horny. Made me laugh so hard. It’s like, I’m just gonna wallow in despair for a second. And then your body’s like, actually, you know what? I’m bored of that time to do something else. Like, oh, okay, cool. Thanks, body. neat.

Josué Cardona 43:07
I think. I think that lots of times we and I do it too. I’m like, Oh, no, yeah, no, I recommend it. Right. I mean, just like, that’s not that’s not what the show. That’s not what our podcast is. Right? We’re not, we’re not reviewing. My hope is always that my assumption is that someone. The most likely scenario is that someone will someday find this episode that we’re doing right now because they’re like, what the hell is Bo Burnham’s Insider, like my clients talking about this? I have no idea what they’re saying. And, and we’re, we’re reacting to it and all of that. But this falls under the category of a lot of things that I’ve been, I find myself saying a lot lately. Like, I can’t recommend this to people. I can’t like I told you that like Lara Watch, watch Wonder Egg Priority, because like it’s your job. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it to. There’s a lot of people who, to whom I would not recommend a lot of the things that I’m watching lately.

Lara Taylor 44:06
This is like this is something that several of my clients have brought up and so have you watched it yet and like what’s one thing to have a conversation about it and see what was important to them and what songs they liked and all of that and I think it’s important that I watched it I also went to bed after didn’t sleep well because we didn’t have a palate cleanser for me. Which I needed. Yeah, yeah.

Link Keller 44:28
Yeah, no, that I’m sorry. That’s true. It does.

Lara Taylor 44:32
And that’s not that’s not your fault. That’s us like being like oh, we need to watch it let’s finish watching it. Oh no, it’s time for bed time for bed now.

Link Keller 44:42
Just good. White woman’s Instagram over and over in my head until sweet unconsciousness comes for me.

Josué Cardona 44:50
Like I framed it at the beginning I I was talking to my sister and like she just did not understand why I was feeling sad about a particular thing. And I feel heard by Bo Burnham. I feel I feel, I feel like this person knows exactly. Like we shared a lot of the same feelings last year, and this will be. I agree, it may be too relatable. For many people, it’s also weird to see it to have this now, when things are kind of opening up. I was thinking about that.

Lara Taylor 45:32
That was kind of jarring for me

Link Keller 45:34
I think I think that that timing adds an extra layer for me.

Josué Cardona 45:41
what does it, in what way?

Link Keller 45:42
contextually, because at this point, I’m fully vaccinated, I am allowed to like go out in public, I went to Seattle over the weekend and was around like crowds of people, it was very weird. And I think this sort of ties back to what I was talking about before about how, you know, pandemic year we all have, we didn’t all live through it. But those of us who lived through it, are not necessarily getting the time and space to actually process. That experience.

Josué Cardona 46:15

Lara Taylor 46:15
even those of us even those of us who are in therapy aren’t having that time, because it takes more than 50 minutes a week. Yeah, to process this.

Link Keller 46:24
And so having having this comedy comedy special doesn’t feel descriptive enough for this, in my opinion, this is this is

Josué Cardona 46:37
we don’t have a name for

Link Keller 46:39
this. I mean, it’s performance art, in my opinion, is performance art, because I think I think all of it is performance, I think even the parts where he is being very authentic, like this is real. I think those were all performance. Which I think adds to it, because he keeps talking about the idea of social media and the performance we’re constantly carrying on. He has a line about real life is dangerous. And it should only be used as a theatrical space in which to film content to put on the much safer internet, which I think was something very tasty to mull over. But I think having it framed by me being able to go out and be around friends again and see people and feeling like okay, things are starting to get back to normal, but it’s not. And I there’s still a lot of stuff that needs to get processed both, you know, personally within myself but also culturally within the United States, our government systems, our health systems, smaller communities, larger communities, the way that this affected us, in ways expected and unexpected and having this sort of hour and a half condensed year and a couple of months pandemic experience, again, all condensed into one little bite, be like you can’t just go on in life and be like we’re done with that. It’s done now. It’s like no, no, sit down, listen to these catchy tunes and actually face like all of this shit that happened to us. Like look at it. I don’t know, that felt extra meaningful to me.

Josué Cardona 48:29
I think that’s exactly that’s exactly why I appreciate it. I feel like I had experiences here that I haven’t had those conversations. I haven’t made fun of how people use you know, FaceTime or and yeah, yeah, absolutely. I think that’s it. I think that’s absolutely why many clients many people are it’s resonating with them and and the songs are all over tik tok and yeah. Yeah. Anything else you want to add? Either of you about this.

Link Keller 49:22
I don’t think we have enough time for it. But I do want to touch a little bit more on Bo Burnham’s continued struggle with parasocial relationships. And in some of his previous stand up, he has talked about it before in the sort of relationship especially with streaming which he talks about in inside when he does those like very streamer esque aspects, where it’s this very weird relationship of being a performance but having To perform authenticity in order to actually maintain relationship in order to get y’know money. And I think this whole piece adds to that right is, is it feels so genuine so authentic to watch him unravel and then try and piece himself back together. And it is it is, as we’ve said, a couple of times in this episode is sometimes too relatable. And I think that that is part of what what he is talking about is, this is this is also part of the performance. This is part of what we are seeing on social media, what we are showing to each other is an edited, chosen piece to show to others. And having, like, the little, the part where he’s setting up and he gets frustrated, and he like jerks on, like a light stands to get closer to him, and he like pulls on a cable and the camera falls and then it cuts to another song. It’s like, oh, was that, like, Did that actually happen? Or was that planned? Because bo burnham has done goofs like that before in his stand up. Whereas I think the clip that I saw is like, he’s doing a stand up bit. And he knocks over his water on the stool. And then he starts a song was like, I just knocked the water off the stool. That’s right, it was planned. And so it’s like all of these little pieces, the the scene where he’s doing the like, extremely YouTube personality of like, thanks for watching, and it’s this bright green lighting and he is holding a knife, like threatening you to stay engaged to keep watching. But then it shifts into the Oh gosh. Which song is that one in Oh, hold me accountable, he shifts into the hold me accountable song and he literally has a part where he is up against a wall and he is lit by a cross where he’s like, literally, like you guys have to hold me accountable. Like you’re in charge. But then the you know, the reverse of that with the the knife scene is like I’m in charge and having that relationship give and take. But it’s all manufactured. And so I don’t know, I just I just I really like this I really like this piece of work he has the line about the in the very beginning is like it’s it’s me and my camera and you and your screen the way the Lord intended. And it’s just like, hooo, is that? Is that how we engage with each other now is that the new normal is 2021 is is always going to have that. That performance for the screen aspect.

Josué Cardona 53:03
There is a part that I don’t think he sings it. But he says I think he does sing it what is what is it that he says about the I feel like he repeats it over and over. Let me see if it’s on the last song that the last one kind of touches on all the things apathy is a tragedy and boredom is a crime. It’s that’s the first time he brings that up, right like because he starts off by saying like what is it that he says I feel? Have you ever thought about doing something? I wish I had the words that he that he said because he doesn’t sing it. I wish there was a

Link Keller 53:57
give me a hint.

Josué Cardona 53:58
I’m I’m trying to I can’t get the exact words I don’t I’m gonna find I’m just gonna queue it up. Keep talking. while i queue this up again? This will be the second time I’m like damn, you really like this the third time you’ve watched it today.

Link Keller 54:15
Okay, I think my favorite non musical part even though it has a song It’s the unpaid intern song but he does the reaction to the reaction to the reaction video. Oh my god, that one.

Lara Taylor 54:28
It was so good. But I couldn’t like hear like with my sensory stuff I just could not

Link Keller 54:33
it is overwhelming and him talking

Josué Cardona 54:36
he didn’t miss a beat

Link Keller 54:38
him talking about. Like he’s, he explains it the first time and then he’s explained explanation. And then he’s talking about how like, Oh yeah, no, I’m like, I just desperately need you to think that I’m intelligent. And I think you know if I am self aware of my douchebaggery ness then like That’s a good thing instead of actually doing so it’s just being self aware is somehow a beneficial thing. Yes. Yeah there’s some there’s some tasty stuff

Josué Cardona 55:17
it’s it’s a lot there’s a lot looking for

Link Keller 55:23
is it the Can anyone can any one?

Josué Cardona 55:28

Link Keller 55:29
Shut the fuck up about any one thing?

Josué Cardona 55:33
Yes, yes it’s that whole thing it’s that whole thing

Lara Taylor 55:36
on the internet can you just any one thing

Josué Cardona 55:42
but it’s

Link Keller 55:42
is it good idea to constantly just diarrhea every thought we have into the void of the internet Can I interest you in anything all of the time?

Josué Cardona 55:55
Yes that that is that is it that is that is the part that I’m thinking of. Sort of being okay. Yeah, I’m I’m like going through it. I don’t know if I want to watch it again. I don’t know if it’s you it’s it might be too much. But there are parts came up to want to face on with my mom. But yeah, it’s that part. Do you have the exact words from that part written down?

Link Keller 56:24
The little bit of everything all the time?

Josué Cardona 56:28
Yeah. Yeah. Is that a song is that

Link Keller 56:31
is from Welcome to the internet.

Josué Cardona 56:33
Is it from Welcome to the internet. That makes sense.

Link Keller 56:37
everything all the time. a little bit of Everything all of the time. apathy is a tragedy. And boredom is a crime. Anything and everything all of the time.

Josué Cardona 56:50
Yep, yep. Um, yeah, there’s, there’s there’s a lot of questions there. About how we engage with media and all that stuff and I dunno the unpaid intern thing. Wait till you hear. The last episode I recorded with john on all taco. It’s basically about being an unpaid intern. Have a hell of a rant? You’d be really proud of me Link. I had an out of body experience in that one. Yeah. It’s kind of messed up. And this. Yeah, I don’t I don’t. Yeah, if your clients were talking about this. Watch it family members are watching it. Watch it.

Lara Taylor 57:41
I do. Make sure you have time. Give us something lighter.

Link Keller 57:45
give yourself a chaser

Josué Cardona 57:47
Yeah, yeah. And like, and um, yeah, like, what disclaimer would would we give people

Link Keller 57:57
I mean,

Josué Cardona 58:00
you’re not ready for this period.

Link Keller 58:02
Just Yeah,

Lara Taylor 58:04
take take a break. If you need to

Link Keller 58:09
There’s an intermission if you need it. There’s an intermission.

Lara Taylor 58:12
There’s an intermission that I think is closer to the end, than the beginning.

Link Keller 58:16
That is definitely like the two thirds part but yeah.

Josué Cardona 58:21
Yeah, I keep I keep looking at the at the lyrics. there’s a there’s a lot there. Yeah, it’s um, but it feels even even the Bezos stuff, the unpaid internship stuff, problematic. They feel like I can’t imagine this. I feel like this is like a time capsule. Like, this is something else. This is the thing that I’ll show people, you know, 20 years from now or like, you know, to remember pandemic, like, what was that about? Or like younger people who are like, would you alive back then I’m like, yeah, watch Bo Burnham’s inside, it is pretty much saying

Lara Taylor 58:57
that they’re gonna have kids like, have to sign up, have their parents sign a permission slip so they can watch it in history class in high school.

Link Keller 59:05
that would be cool though.

Josué Cardona 59:07
I don’t, I don’t know. But this definitely feels it feels too relevant. And like, I can’t, I can’t imagine it in six months, just like being like me. Like, this doesn’t feel as relevant anymore as it does well maybe, not six months, but like, it feels like the perfect representation of the moment of the time. with with with the there’s a lot of self reflection there too, I think from from a white person during 2020, which I think was really good too. Definitely. Yeah, I feel like I could talk about this. We could have gone chronological just talked about it for three hours.

Link Keller 59:45
it’s so meaty

Josué Cardona 59:46
It is meaty, yeah, lots of .

Link Keller 59:48
Yeah. There’s and there’s so much like, extra stuff. It’s just it’s Yeah, I it’s not for everybody, but I would recommend it to people because I think it’s really catchy. And I think it suits my sort of dark humor quite well. But I do think it really shows a sort of time capsule of what it was like being on social media throughout 2020 and early 2021. Yeah, and and just the the waves of the way people were coping with the pandemic, and you know, what people were making to cope with it, and then and then the depression and then the well, we’ll learn a new skill set, maybe and then, oh, my God, this is going I’m gonna have an existential crisis. And

Josué Cardona 1:00:46
yes, and I recognize it for me, it’s more relevant than maybe it is for the two of you, in some ways, like, you all never lived alone during the pandemic, but I did. And that’s something I think that is reflected here. Even just like, there’s songs that he does in his underwear, and I’m like, Yeah, like, I remember, like, I could do that I did that I was just walking around in my underwear, cuz I could, and nobody cared,

Lara Taylor 1:01:08
like, I’m working in my underwear. If I put a shirt on for a zoom meeting, cool.

Josué Cardona 1:01:13
But like, he doesn’t have to address it. There’s just something about that. That’s like, yeah, that was 2020. Right. Living alone. It’s, there’s a few things there that are that are very, yeah, that. I was like, I don’t know. Yeah, I remember that day. Like I said, like,

Lara Taylor 1:01:35
I Josué I do think about the fact that like, most of the time, he was in a room with nothing, but like recording equipment and blankets. And I’m like, the beginning of this. You didn’t have much furniture in your place. Just like cords. No blankets.

Link Keller 1:01:52
one metal folding chair.

Josué Cardona 1:01:56
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, there’s, there’s, there’s more stuff, too. But it’s it’s very. Yeah, I think I think there could be another, there could be a version of this that is like, someone who was at home with kids, or a spouse

Lara Taylor 1:02:12
being with the same poeple over and over again.

Josué Cardona 1:02:14
Yep. Or who is Oh, who left the house when the world was empty, because I didn’t leave my apartment. But a lot of people did leave their apartment, when the and, it was strange to see empty streets that aren’t usually empty and empty places. And the Plexiglas and the, you know, like all these other things that are that he doesn’t touch on at all, because he’s really talking about the experience of being alone inside of a space, which I don’t know that that was actually his experience. But that’s the story that he’s telling here. You know,

Link Keller 1:02:49
that is also performance. Something I learned from Tik Tok. That room has been featured in some of his comedy before, it is like a little outside, mini house shed office thing behind his big beautiful la mansion where he lives with his partner of many years with a beautiful dog. So no, he wasn’t actually sleeping in there alone. But that scene where he pulls out the couch and crawls in, and it’s just the spotlight on his face. Oh, yeah, I felt that I felt that.

Josué Cardona 1:03:24
Yeah. So again, so even he even he didn’t have that experience that he was trying to represent. There. And so I can imagine a lot

Link Keller 1:03:32
but you related to it deeply. Right? And part of it right is like it is the it is performance, but he’s performing authenticity. And that is why people relate so deeply to it and why it becomes can become a parasocial problem is because people feel like no, no, you know exactly how I felt. Because you you sang that song, and that was that was inside my heart. Yeah. Yeah. It’s like, Oh, no, I just am good at writing funny songs.

Josué Cardona 1:04:03
Yeah, yeah.

Link Keller 1:04:04
You know, not to say that he didn’t feel any of these feelings that he was. Exactly it’s that is that is part of what I think is so wonderful about this art performances that it lends to you returning to it and asking those questions which pieces of these are performance and which pieces are him actually like revealing something to us? And, you know, trying to guess if, if that’s right or not, and if that changes the way you feel about it, if, if it is all just fake?

Lara Taylor 1:04:38
Like, there was a moment there was a moment when Nina, she, she said, I don’t. She’s like, I don’t know how I feel about this. Like, he’s either. Like when there was a moment where he’s looking at the camera toward the end and he like leans over and is like crying. And she’s like, I don’t I don’t know how I feel watching him. He’s either really crying or it’s a performance. I don’t know. What to think about that?

Josué Cardona 1:05:03
Yeah, I mean, he’s telling lots of different stories, right? It’s not necessarily just one story, like problematic. I don’t know if he feels any of those things, but he’s just talking about like, white woman’s tears and all of these things and all the people you know, and changes in culture. It’s a Yeah, that’s a hell of a set

Link Keller 1:05:23
mean, I like that because the hold me accountable part where he references being when he started doing comedy when he was a teen. And so I felt that that lended itself very well to when it cycled back around, and it’s doing the Look who’s inside again, song and he is sitting in a dark room watching a projector of his old stuff, his old comedy, and he has a line of like, Am I just back where I started 14 years ago, and having it be the same thing where it’s like, low budget doing it by yourself in your room, just you and a keyboard and like, have I just trapped in this cycle? I’m just back where I started again. And I remember that feeling in the paint and pandemic of being like, you know, I remember us talking regularly about like, oh, I’ve completely lost my sense of time. I have no idea what day of the week it is. Unless Animal Crossing tells me and stuff like that is like that was absolutely feelings like I am stuck in a cycle of just being inside and doing the same three things. Cry play piano check door it’s locked cry again. It’s like, Oh, yeah, yes.

Josué Cardona 1:06:42
And they’re there for me also the towards like the working on a project and then coming to the end and not wanting it to end that one. Hello, that one every day. Yeah, this

Link Keller 1:06:57
six months. One of being like, I can’t believe I’m still working on it. And then the year mark of being like, I’m never gonna finish finish it because that it’ll be done and I will have no purpose. Yeah, yeah. Never gonna finish it.

Josué Cardona 1:07:13
Yeah, it’s a it’s a it’s, it’s too meaty. It’s too meaty. It’s got too much, too much. This way. It’s resonating with people. And it’s very popular. And everybody wants him on the late night talk shows to talk about it. It’s very popular. And he talks about other mental health stuff, too. And I mean, I think it’s, it’s very,

Link Keller 1:07:33
yeah, he talks about his anxiety and that is stuff that he has spoken about in public before. So it’s nice to see that represented. Like, I’m

Josué Cardona 1:07:45
not like a comedy shows, sometimes I’m like mad at people but like, I’m not mad at him. You know, like, I feel like even even the suicide conversation was pretty responsible. Like, I think like, I have more appreciation for it than I do. concerns and I have no it’s in like, I’m like, I’m like no, like that’s like, that’s Yeah, that’s, that’s pretty damn. Good. Thank you. Not? No, thank you Netflix for like, the bare minimum at the very end.

Link Keller 1:08:16
Thumbs up to Bo Burnham. No thumbs at all for Netflix.

Josué Cardona 1:08:21
No, no, no,

Lara Taylor 1:08:21

Link Keller 1:08:21
no thumbs for you.

Josué Cardona 1:08:23
I mean, yeah, little but

Link Keller 1:08:24
I’m not gonna get I’m not gonna give them a thumbs down because they produced I watched it. I may have they do have a resources page. So we’re sitting at here,

Josué Cardona 1:08:38
you know, bothers me, the one like not only did I misspell it the first time, right, the website, but then when I was like, Oh, well, what if you don’t go to wanna and you’re gonna want to that site does not go anywhere like that. Like, it just seems like they should

Lara Taylor 1:08:53
get both of them.

Josué Cardona 1:08:55
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know. Well, good choice, Link very, the most relevant thing I feel that we could have talked about right now.

Link Keller 1:09:11
It’s very fresh,

Josué Cardona 1:09:12
very fresh. very meaty.

Link Keller 1:09:13
And if you haven’t watched it yet, and you’ve enjoyed this conversation, I recommend you check it out on Netflix now. nobodies gonna wanna watch it after this.

Josué Cardona 1:09:26
not after all this Maybe I don’t know

Link Keller 1:09:29
if you don’t have Netflix, or you don’t want to watch the whole thing. All of the songs are available on Bo Burnham’s Spotify, I believe.

Josué Cardona 1:09:42

Link Keller 1:09:43
future you just want to listen to the bops and not feel the deep crushing existential crisis of a man becoming unhinged. Trapped inside a little man aquarium.

Josué Cardona 1:09:55
Yeah, the visuals help. Yeah, so That’s it for this episode of gt radio to comment during the discussion and ask questions follow us all that stuff. links in the show notes. For more Geek Therapy, visit Geek Thank you for listening. remember to geek out and do good. and we’ll be back next week.

Link Keller 1:10:20

Josué Cardona 1:10:22
Geek Therapy is a 501 c three nonprofit organization dedicated to making the world a better place through geek culture. To learn more about our mission and become a supporter, visit Geek

Transcribed by

Characters / Media
  • Bo Burnham Inside
  • Mythic Quest
  • Parks and Rec
  • Thirteen Reasons Why
  • The Crown
Themes / Topics

Conversation Topics:

* Burnout
* Cultural representation
* Death
* Difficult emotions
* Family
* Feeling alone
* Love
* Resilience
* Other: Pandemic

Relatable Experience:

* [Leave or add all that apply, otherwise delete.]
* Anxiety
* Burnout
* Depression
* Existential Crisis
* Life Milestones
* Loss (other than death)
* Separation
* Suicide
* Other: Quarantine

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