GT Radio

Watching Movies With Intention, Matrix Trilogy, Braveheart, Scott Pilgrim, Lion King, Newsies, Billy Madison, The Pianist, Titanic

#61: This week we talk about watching movies with intention, such as watching your favorite film to cheer you up. Josué and Lara discuss some of their favorite movies including The Matrix Trilogy, Braveheart, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, The Lion King, Newsies, Billy Madison, The Pianist, and Titanic. ​*The Geek Therapy Library is designed

Watching Movies With Intention, Matrix Trilogy, Braveheart, Scott Pilgrim, Lion King, Newsies, Billy Madison, The Pianist, Titanic Read More »

Introverts, Periods, BuzzFeeds’s Version of Geek Therapy, Spider-Man, Batgirl, Mr. Robot

#60: This week Josué and Lara talk Introverts, Periods, BuzzFeeds’s Version of Geek Therapy, Spider-Man, Batgirl, Mr. Robot, and more. ​*The Geek Therapy Library is designed to help fans communicate through their favorite movies, books, and games. It is a resource for therapists, teachers, and parents to find a way to work with or talk about things through

Introverts, Periods, BuzzFeeds’s Version of Geek Therapy, Spider-Man, Batgirl, Mr. Robot Read More »

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