
Conversation Starter Questions, Trigger Warnings, Kimmy Schmidt, Star Trek: First Contact, Room, United States of Tara, Mr. Robot, The Tick, #MentalHealthRep

#57: We discuss adding reflection/conversation starting questions to the Library. We talk about the topic of trigger warnings and mental health representation (#MentalHealthRep) in media. Shows/movies mentioned this week: Kimmy Schmidt, Star Trek: First Contact, Room, United States of Tara, Mr. Robot, The Tick.

*The Geek Therapy Library is designed to help fans communicate through their favorite movies, books, and games. It is a resource for therapists, teachers, and parents to find a way to work with or talk about things through awesome content and allow Geeks and Nerds everywhere a way to be better understood. ​

​You can help out by suggesting entries for the GT Library here: https://geektherapy.typeform.com/to/azCwM5.

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