New York Comic Con Overload

New York Comic Con was…intense. There were a lot of booths, panels, signings, comics, toys and….people.

Crowds are both a good thing and a bad thing. On the one hand, it shows us that geek culture is more popular and more normative. More people interested in coming to cons = more geeks. On the other hand…it means it’s crowded. And it’s exhausting.

I had grandiose plans of writing an epic post today about all the cool stuff I saw that had to do with positivity, empowerment, education, and mental health. I grossly underestimated how tired I would be.

The result is that you have the promise of many awesome posts about NYCC over the next couple weeks. Once I have had a chance to sleep…and not be standing.

For now, I need to be packing up all my awesome swag and going to bed. Once I’m home and no longer jet lagged, I’ll give you the low down on some fantastic projects and groups I discovered, what the creators of Buzzkill think about addiction, a general overview of the con, and more!

All starting Thursday. If I’m really feeling good, I’ll throw in some extra posts next week.

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