
School Days

Things have really hit the fan at school, and I am working non-stop to get papers and reading done on time. So for today, you’ll have to settle for links to some of my favorite Geek Therapy podcast episodes. (But it’s not really settling at all, cause the podcast is awesome!)


(Image via Geek Therapy)

1. Female Superheroes – This episode is awesome because I’m in it! In all seriousness though, you should listen. Josué Cardona, Laura Vecchiolla and I discuss the Wonder Women documentary and female heroes in general. 

2. Nerd Rage – Josué and Ali Mattu, Ph.D. run a marathon discussing why nerds rage out and what they rage about. It’s a long episode, but they go over a lot of good information and cover a lot of topics that cause geeks to freak out.

3. Learning About Mental Health Through Fictional Narratives – Josué and Dr. Andrea Letamendi talk about relating to characters and how healing a process that can be. They also discuss Andrea’s podcast, The Arkham Sessions, which takes a psychological lens to Batman the Animated Series.

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