Sing-Along With Disney

#19: After seeing a meme that questioned if Disney Karaoke existed, Stef and Ariel decided to set the record straight. In this episode, they highlight the cultural significance of participating in karaoke or noraebang experiences. Together, they share their favorite Disney songs to sing along to and how this activity can be used in a therapy session or the classroom.

Resources for this episode:

  1. GoNoodle
  2. Buy Nothing Project

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Stefanie Bautista 0:11
Hello, everyone, welcome to the happiest place on earth. I’m Stefanie.

Ariel Landrum 0:14
And I’m Ariel. And we’re Disney fans. But we’re really so much more than that. Like, I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist who uses clients’ passions and fandoms to help them grow and heal from trauma and mental wellness.

Stefanie Bautista 0:26
And I’m an educator who uses my passions and fandoms to help my students grow and learn about themselves and the world around them.

Ariel Landrum 0:32
And Happiest Pod is a place where we dissect is the mediums of the critical lens. Why? Because just like we are more than fans, we expect more from the mediums we consume.

Stefanie Bautista 0:40
So today, what does the media or experience are we dissecting and learning about and sharing with our listeners?

Ariel Landrum 0:47
Don’t believe the memes there is such a thing as Disney Karaoke.

Stefanie Bautista 0:51
Dj horn soundeffect

Ariel Landrum 0:51
Dj horn soundeffect

Stefanie Bautista 0:54
Yeah I don’t know where that meme came from that mean really pissed me off. Let me just say like, I woke up and chose violence when I saw that meme because I was like… It was a meme that said, “Why isn’t there a thing called Disney Karaoke?” And it confused me… Because it is part of my DNA.

Ariel Landrum 1:14
There is.

Stefanie Bautista 1:15
I don’t…

Ariel Landrum 1:15
We will share this meme.

Stefanie Bautista 1:17

Ariel Landrum 1:17
Some memes are funny. This meme was not funny. Like, what are you questioning right now? I don’t I don’t understand.

Stefanie Bautista 1:25
I don’t understand.

Ariel Landrum 1:25
I do not compute.

Stefanie Bautista 1:27
I was like, so you’re telling me when you start karaoke. none of those songs are Disney songs?

Ariel Landrum 1:34
None? None on the docket?

Stefanie Bautista 1:36
Not even one?

Ariel Landrum 1:36
Not on the playlist?

Stefanie Bautista 1:37
Not even A Whole New…? Like None? I don’t know. I don’t understand. Which is why we decided to do this episode and talk to you all and share with you the wonderful therapeutic educational practice of karaoke. I know many of you guys don’t think about it that way. But we sure do.

Ariel Landrum 1:59
We do. It’s so ingrained in us I think, I would say more accurate meme as you remember the theme to emes where it was like “Showering is easy.” And there was like step one is this and this. And then like, “Showering as a Filipino is easy step one step in the shower. So to turn on the water. Step three and get out karaoke mic.”

Stefanie Bautista 2:16
Yup. Pretty much. Yep. See those memes I can get on board with not only and we have mentioned before that we are Asian American, we are Filipino descent. So karaoke really is ingrained in us.

Ariel Landrum 2:30

Stefanie Bautista 2:31
We love karaoke. I’ve grown up with it. I think. Just being in and around my Aunts. Having a karaoke machine just readily available in… And people a Magic Mic to me did not mean half naked men on stage. A Magic Mic to me, man, a mic that you had a keypad on, and it came with a large book and you browse through that book, put in the number and sing your song. And it rates you. I don’t know how it rates you. It was such an archaic system back then. Like…

Ariel Landrum 3:04

Stefanie Bautista 3:05
Is it just reading your participation? Or is it actually rating your your level of talent when it comes to singing? I don’t think it was the latter…

Ariel Landrum 3:13
Accuracy of words?

Stefanie Bautista 3:14
I don’t think it was the was the former because like if you’ve ever done karaoke at somebody’s an Auntie or Uncle’s house, like you know, that thing is not accurate.

Ariel Landrum 3:25
No, and especially when you put that reverb on there. That echo.

Stefanie Bautista 3:30
That everybody loves so much because it makes them sound like Whitney.

Ariel Landrum 3:33
Yes, yes. Essentially, the pre-autotune.

Stefanie Bautista 3:38
Yeah, yep, it was the pre It was like a filter for your voice.

Ariel Landrum 3:41

Stefanie Bautista 3:41
That made you sound super professional. And I know that even when you go to the Philippines, sometimes in the local bars, they’ll have the reverb all the way up. And you’re like,”Yyou need to tone it down a little bit.” But karaoke and its origins is not Filipino, as much as many of you might think. It is Japanese, hence the ‘ka-ra-o-kay’. Umm, karaoke, which is the way we say it is an English form of entertainment from Japan, where an amateur singer sings along with instrumental versions of their favorite songs. Karaoke is derived from two Japanese words, ‘kara’ from the word ‘karappo’, meaning empty and ‘oke’ means, ‘okesutura’ or ‘or-kes-tra’. ‘Or-kes-tra’ is a Roman, or it’s a Japanese way of saying a Romanized word, which is why it’s phonetic in how you say it. So it’s really literally you in front of instrumentals.

Ariel Landrum 4:36
Yes, yes. Empty, empty room of orchestra.

Stefanie Bautista 4:40
Yes. And I have had the privilege of going to Japan and singing karaoke there. And it is a whole experience.

Ariel Landrum 4:47
It’s a whole new world?

Stefanie Bautista 4:48
It’s a whole new world they, it’s not just you and your Auntie’s backyard, with like a bunch of drunk people around you. You originally and Ariel will explain noraebang in Korea, but in Japan, it’s very, very similar. Where do you rent a box of essentially a room with your friends, you have a system in front of you with a TV, you put in your songs queue up. You sing on 1 or 2 mics and you gather around, eat and drink and have like the best time. And you rent it by the hour or if they have a package, they have all of those details there. So I know it’s very similar in Korea, which I have also had the pleasure of doing noraebang but it’s a little bit different there.

Ariel Landrum 5:31
Yeah, so um, Stef has visited Korea. I have lived in Korea. In Korea, you might hear the word karaoke because there’s an understanding that the this is interchangeable. But really, it’s a noraebang. So ‘no-rae’ meaning singing and ‘bang’ means room. And though ‘bang’ could refer to any room when it’s used as a suffix, it signifies that the room has a significant entertainment function. That it’s meant to entertain you in a specific way. The bang culture in South Korea, it’s in cities, it’s in villages. There it’s really a variety of private rooms that are curated to meet entertainment needs of the community. These rooms can be found really anywhere in South Korea and some examples include PC Bang, which is where I would go all the time to regularly game, MSN Messenger and AOL messenger my friends. I’m dating myself. There’s, there’s a Gamebang for board games, there’s a piece PSbang for PlayStation games. Like this is ingrained in the culture. That you and your friends would go to these bangs. And now it’s actually a lot more popular to go to a coin noraebang which is that instead of renting the room for the hour, you rent it for the song, you pay per song. So even like my memory of the experience is old. I’m old. Because now people don’t spend a whole hour there. Now it’s like, it can even be an individual experience. Whereas these bangs are meant to be entertainment for you and your friends, or really, for business engagements. A lot of business deals are brokered in the noraebang. And…

Stefanie Bautista 7:07
Bonding over music…

Ariel Landrum 7:08
Bonding over music and drinks and food. Yeah, we’re as the coin one, you might go for yourself or with a partner and sing a song or two, just to kill some time while maybe you’re waiting for the metro, the train, or on your way from one sort of event to another to have like a just a moment of relaxation.

Stefanie Bautista 7:27
Exactly. And luckily for us, especially living in a city that has a large Japanese and Korean population, and not to mention, there’s a lot of us Filipinos here too.

Ariel Landrum 7:37
Lot of us!

Stefanie Bautista 7:37
We’re contributing to the karaoke scene playing out here. Now, we first I mean, you may first know karaoke as something that you have to do on stage. That you have to present yourself be vulnerable in front of a lot of people as an amateur singer. I know I have friends that participate in karaoke competitions with their friends that there’s actually like Facebook groups and different types of events where you get together with people you know, and then you perform a song. You get prizes. It’s kind of like trivia but with karaoke.

Ariel Landrum 8:11
Shout out to our friend Daisy who won a Selena impersonation karaoke contest who both dressed like her and sang the songs. So umm, there you go.

Stefanie Bautista 8:20
Love it. And she’s beautiful. Just like Selena, and I’m not surprised that she won because… Dang…

Ariel Landrum 8:26

Stefanie Bautista 8:26
The best cosplay ever. But yeah, like there. And normally, if we probably didn’t live in a big city, that’s how you would do karaoke, you would just kind of put yourself out there, me and myself, I am not that person. Even though…

Ariel Landrum 8:41
I am not that person either. And I lived in the Midwest, and that was the only karaoke available, which was you went to a bar and sang in front of a bunch of people. And they would do a game where you would like choose the song for your friend and your friend would not know what song playing and then you sing it?

Stefanie Bautista 9:00
It was like karaoke roulette. It’s the worst and why would you…

Ariel Landrum 9:02
It’s the worst.

Stefanie Bautista 9:02
It’s the worse and the way it is, is because how we explain it is that you are literally singing in a room, probably like you shaped and then the TV is your focus here. Since the audience is your focus, your TV is to the side. So you can still see the music but you could really just see the people judging you. And even though like I have performed in front of people, karaoke is a whole different like way because they are judging you from the minute you open your mouth. So that is anxiety I don’t need

That type of karaoke. Even here like if you go to North Hollywood and I’ve I would not sing because everyone in North Hollywood is a live performance actor or actress. They sing in front of an audience for a living and it was like… It It definitely bruised my ego. Yeah, like super not not be able to participate because I was too afraid I’d be judged by these people who do it professionally.

Yeah. So since we knew karaoke from before. And also like, as I got older, I knew that there were different Japanese enclaves like Sawtelle in West LA and Little Tokyo in Downtown LA, where they had karaoke rooms. Every time I would ask like a coworker or something if they want to do karaoke, they’d be like, “Oh, no, like, I do not want to be in front of people. Like, no, I’m not gonna do it.” I’m like, “No, there’s another way. Let me let me show you the way. This is the way.”

Ariel Landrum 10:25
“You’ll be part of my world!”

Stefanie Bautista 10:27
Yes, there’s places like my favorite, Max karaoke in Little Tokyo. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, they had a West LA one on Sawtelle that’s closed, that I just saw a couple days ago, actually a couple weeks ago. But the one in Little Tokyo still going strong. You rent by the hour. I don’t know if it’s BYOB. It used to be. But I know, things get a little rowdy. So it might not be anymore. But it’s really cheap. Especially if you go on the weekdays. It’s like $13 per hour or something. Don’t quote me on that. But it’s really affordable. They give you a punch card. Me and AJ my, my husband used to fill that punch card back in the day when we had time. And we would just go and have fun and sing songs like anything. And I know in The Valley, we have another one, right?

Ariel Landrum 11:13
Yeah, so I live in Reseda, home of the Karate Kid.

Stefanie Bautista 11:17
Cobra Kai. Never dies.

Ariel Landrum 11:18
Cobra Kai. Never dies.And so the one that I go to is called Carnival Karaoke. It’s a little bit smaller. It’s not as glamorous. But the food is amazing, because the family that owns it, and the restaurant next door. They make amazing Korean food. So if you do not want to sing, you can definitely stuff your face when people are bellowing out. It’s great.

Stefanie Bautista 11:40
Yes, there’s another level to that there are in Korea Town because we have, I think the largest Korea Town either in America in America, I want to say. We have plenty of plenty of noraebang out there. However, I like to reserve those for big events, because normally they have an alcohol package where you buy the room or you rent out the room for X amount of hours. And it comes with a bottle of Petroleum, a bottle of Grey Goose and like unlimited appetizers and water and all that stuff. But that’s more for like a birthday or like a celebration, because you are going to be spending a lot. However, if there’s a lot of you, it always kind of balances out to like $15 a person. And it’s a really, really fun way to celebrate with, with people you’re familiar with and are comfortable.

Ariel Landrum 12:25
Yeah, yeah.

Stefanie Bautista 12:25
Especially during You know, this time. And I know that that’s something that I would love to do with friends that I know that are you know, being safe. And it’s like one of those things that was pre pandemic that can still happen as long as you are all being safe with each other. So yeah, that one is like, third tier of karaoke. Because that’s the one that you get dressed up at and everything and it’s just so fun, especially when you have friends that love to sing. And as you continue to sing your confidence level rises and your your… What do you call it?

Ariel Landrum 12:36
Inhibition drops the more you drink.

Stefanie Bautista 13:02
Inhibition drops with every single drink. But it’s really fun. So plenty of places here. I know. Like in bigger cities like New York, they have a couple that I’ve been to. But yeah, like maybe we can, maybe we can come up with a list of places on our Instagram and our Twitter to link. Hopefully lot of these places are still around. But if there’s any that we don’t mention, we would love to hear suggestions if you all have some as well.

Ariel Landrum 13:30
Yeah. So I’m I’m, I’m curious for you, Stef, when it comes to karaoke, what… You mentioned doing it at home with family, and and you sort of mentioned doing it with coworkers. And you’ve even mentioned doing it with your partner. For you, how do you decide sort of like, whiches is kind of the best for what kind of environment if that makes sense?

Stefanie Bautista 13:58
I think I think I understand your question. I guess it really like you said it depends on the environment. I mean, I have a Magic Mic at home. And I, every time my parents go to the Philippines or I go I make sure to get one from there. Not only because it’s cheaper, but because it’s really high quality. If you go to the Philippines, they have updated versions of home karaoke systems that they sell in Japan and Korea, but they’re in English because the main language, one of the main languages in the Philippines is English. And we can use those same systems here in America. So I if I just want to unwind… Even if my parents just want to unwind, they put on the karaoke, they just sing in their room. I know I did that a couple times during the pandemic, which is why I am glad I bought one. Because if we’re having like a party in the back or something, or if my friends having a party down the street, we could always bring it. It’s portable, and it’s something that we can do. But, you know, I think if you’re being introduced to karaoke, if you have a way to do it, at home, do it at home.

Ariel Landrum 15:01

Stefanie Bautista 15:01
Because I think that’s how you get familiar with the types of songs that you like, that aren’t too hard for you. Because as much as we all love Bruno Mars, his songs are not easy for everyone.

Ariel Landrum 15:12
They’re not easy. They are not easy.

Stefanie Bautista 15:14
And I think a big part of karaoke is knowing the types of music that work for you that you also love. That’s a big part of it.

Ariel Landrum 15:22
I think you’re even also mentioning, sometimes we think we know the lyrics, and then we see the lyrics.

Stefanie Bautista 15:29
And you’re like, “What?”

Ariel Landrum 15:31
“What am I’ve been singing this whole time, just nonsense.”

Stefanie Bautista 15:35
Yes. And I think going back to like, this is a Disney podcast. Many of our experiences of karaoke are Disney songs, first and foremost. As kids, especially growing up in the 80’s and 90’s. My first foray into karaoke in itself, not taking away the fact that I am of Filipino decent, is the Disney sing alongs that they had on the VHS is in the 80’s and the 90’s. There were these VHS tapes. If you don’t know what a tape is, it is a big cassette, basically, that holds data on ribbons. And you put it into a VHS player that almost every household had in the late 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. We had music, movies, concerts on them. This particular one, Disney Sing-Along, started in the 80’s. And the one that I had was specific to Disneyland. So they would start off on Main Street as if you were going into the park. So they would sing a song where as you’re going into the park, I think it’s called ‘I’m Walking Right Down The Middle of Main Street.’ And I loved watching it. I watch it over and over and sing with it over and over because it reminded me of going to Disneyland all the time, even though I couldn’t go. So you would watch the video, it would have the lyrics on the bottom and it had this little like bouncy Mickey Ear, that will it would go on every syllable. And that was my first foray into karaoke. If you’re our age, that probably was yours too.

Ariel Landrum 17:01
And now like if you’re if you’re looking at the lyrics and karaoke, they do the syllables by filling up the word right?

Stefanie Bautista 17:07

Ariel Landrum 17:07
Like it’s like, slowly lights up like a bar. And so that that bouncing Mickey it’s just harking to that, that essentially loading of the song and how long you’re supposed to hold the note, right?

Stefanie Bautista 17:19
Yeah. And then it went down and up and down on the same syllable. It reminds me a lot of just doing Nursery Rhymes in kindergarten in class. That’s how we get introduced to music is looking at words, figuring syllables out, going one by one by one. Following along. And music is such a great way to get kids used to you know, phonetics, and how to not just sing things but pronounce words. That’s why I think a lot of these Disney music songs that were on the karaokes were kind of essential in helping kids understand how to read and how to speak and how to sing eventually, because music is such a powerful tool for for phonetic education in the early stages.

Ariel Landrum 18:03
And in therapy. When I’m working with with youth, one of the things we talk about is like reward systems. And I’ve been doing online therapy since 2016. So my rewards aren’t going to be physical tangible objects, they’re usually rewards that involve relational building. So if I have a client who has to stop teasing their sibling for 3 days, right? Because that’s that’s doable whole week is not doable, especially if you’re still learning. But if 3 days they didn’t tease their sibling, in our next session, we would pick a song to sing together. I would let them choose that that Disney song. We would we would look it up, we would practice it, we find the version that we liked, that was always something fun. And that that was a reward a lot of my youth even to this day still want to earn. Now, some of it’s not just Disney music; it definitely is popular music, and songs that they themselves gravitate towards. But that’s singing along together that joining experience is such an amazing reward.

Stefanie Bautista 19:06
Yeah, absolutely. And kids response so great to music. Whether it be young kids, older kids. I know that there’s some middle schoolers that like say they’re too cool for something, but if you put on like, you know, “Zippity Doo Da,” they’ll sing right along. So it’s very nostalgic for them as well. I think you could say the same for us. And when they hear and see these musics on the Disney Sing-Along songs when you go to the parks, and then when you listen to these things in the movies and music.. It’s familiarity to them and so they feel comforted by the fact that they can sing the along to the songs. And then when you see live performances at the park, you can engage and participate and I think that’s just like the full circle beauty of these home videos that were so popular in this the 80’s and the 90’s.

Ariel Landrum 19:56
Yeah, and now even during the pandemic, specifically, ABC and Disney collaborated together to do a Disney Family Sing-Along. So they had Volume I and II and a holiday special. Ryan Seacrest was the host of all of them. And they what they did was they had star studded performances. With a lot of inventive at home choreography and sets. A lot of people were shooting at home because we were in lockdown and Disney and ABC had decided, “Well, what’s the way that we can sort of bring some some hopes and magic for people, particularly in a time where we are in mentally emotionally drained, struggling, you know, doom scrolling?” And they brought the the singalong back. And, and the best thing about that singalong was the fact that we got to see inside celebrities’ homes. And a lot of the creativity in creating the each segment was dependent on each celebrity. We got to see their individuality, their uniqueness in editing… And really some homemade styles in regards to shooting on the iPhone. You could just tell that these were more intimate video settings then like from a studio. They definitely had the two choreographers from…

Dancing with the Stars Dancing?

Dancing with the Stars Dancing…

Stefanie Bautista 21:21
Yeah Julian and Derek Hough. Yeah

Ariel Landrum 21:22
Yes, yes. So they did an amazing routine. They had lots of costumes with shows you, at their house.

Stefanie Bautista 21:29
They needed the outlet just as much as we did.

Ariel Landrum 21:32
Amazing kitchen, by the way, so I’m seeing my inside of their kitchen and it was like kitchen jealous dreams here.

Stefanie Bautista 21:38
Yeah right?

Ariel Landrum 21:39
Um, they even did like fisheye lens. And they did like the the cup challenge where you have like a cup on the pyramid and you like, see how fast you can sort of like, take it down. So that was that was hilarious. And then for me, it was probably like, like, I had some questionable choices on on some of the people they chose because it’s like, “I’m not going to be able to sing like Beyonce. Why Beyonce singing the song?”

Stefanie Bautista 22:06
Because Beyonce has a contract with Disney+, because Black is King. And…

Ariel Landrum 22:12
Yeah, yes, I get it. But I was singing the song but also like, “I don’t sound anything like you’d Beyonce and I don’t want to sing along with you. But I also do…” It was like it was a conflict.

Stefanie Bautista 22:22
It’s a low key concert. And I know that’s what happens sometimes when you do go to karaoke with somebody who can really really sing. I mean, like I can sing, but like I have friends who are really, really saying…

Ariel Landrum 22:31
No Stef can sing she’s just not boastful about.

Stefanie Bautista 22:34
I’m not and I mean, I’m not seasoned also, I don’t do it regularly. So it takes me a while to get to that. You have to turn your voice and everything. So I have friends who are really really good singers and I’m just like, “I’m just gonna do your harmonies. I’m just gonna be in the background.”

Ariel Landrum 22:48
“With my tamborine!”

Stefanie Bautista 22:49
“Oh, the ad libbing leave the ad libbing to me. Oh, the rap part. I got the rap part.” I don’t know about these, like, you know, the bridge and everything. Like, I’m not sure about that.

Ariel Landrum 23:00
So yeah, so they had 3, The Disney Family Sing-Alongs, 2 Volumes, and then a holiday one. On Disney+ right now. I think it’s just the holiday one that’s left. But you can actually go on YouTube and watch these. And so the one that I watch fairly regularly and I have done with my my clients is a Halsey singing part of your world. They do such a beautiful rendition. They also have amazing red hair that I was trying to figure out if this was a wig or if they had found time to dye it. The vibrancy was beautiful. But I love every version of that song obviously because Ariel is my favorite Disney Princess so I’m hearing Halsey’s version. Chefs kiss.

Stefanie Bautista 23:42
Yes. I’m so excited for the live action, by the way, because Chloe, is it Halle or Chloe? Yeah, Chloe. I think Halle. Yeah, she her way to her and her sister have amazing, amazing voices. They were discovered by Beyonce. So seeing that and their rendition. I’m so excited for it. I’m pretty sure.

Ariel Landrum 24:02
And Halle and Chloe were even on the Volume II.

Stefanie Bautista 24:06
They were…

Ariel Landrum 24:06
Of The Disney Family Sing-Along.

Stefanie Bautista 24:07
They were. They were. Yep. I apologize. I know. There’s music going on in my background. My brother is playing. He’s a musician. And also now my dog has started snoring so apologies for that. It is soothing. And as we talk about music, how soothing it is. It’s soothing for everybody animals and humans alike. So not only can you do karaoke at home, you can do karaoke in a karaoke room, noraebang. You can do karaoke Disney style. But there’s also other places that we’ve seen karaoke. What are the other places that we’ve seen opportunities to do karaoke?

Ariel Landrum 24:43
So and maybe we’ll share this on our social media, but on long road trips, my partner and I do Carpool Karaoke. So actually, you can you can buy the Carpool Karaoke mat, mic. James Corbin comes on and says, “Let’s see sing a song…”

Stefanie Bautista 24:58

Ariel Landrum 24:58
Gahh… James Corden comes on, and you play… I can’t. I can’t.

Stefanie Bautista 25:05
Corbin is a street in the San Fernando Valley. There’s also a there’s also a bowling alley on Corbin.

Ariel Landrum 25:12
Yes. James Corden?

Stefanie Bautista 25:14

Ariel Landrum 25:15
Yes. I the Carpool Karaoke Guy. Whatever.

Stefanie Bautista 25:18
Yeah yaeh yeah.

Ariel Landrum 25:19
So he comes on when you turn it on. And then you can sing. And what it does is it actually connects to the Bluetooth to your phone, and then uses your your, your phone, your cell phone, and then it uses a radio signal on like a radio station that isn’t working..

Stefanie Bautista 25:40

Ariel Landrum 25:40
In your car. So the the downside is that you have to keep changing the radio station as you get further along in your road trip.

Stefanie Bautista 25:49
Because the frequencies might be taken up by other things.

Ariel Landrum 25:52
Yes, yes. But it is something that we My partner and I do every road trip, particularly we drive to Vegas often and we sing Disney songs on these trips. When we were up north and we’d picked up some of his friends when we were staying at a cabin up north. I had them sing Disney songs with me in the car when we were driving around in between just destinations and stuff just just something fun to do.

Stefanie Bautista 26:20
Nice. I love that. Yeah, and also like at different events that we would go to like conventions they always have karaoke at Comic-Con.

Ariel Landrum 26:29
Yup. I I definitely did the karaoke bus at Comic-Con again maybe a video we’ll share. I am I am in cosplay as Ariel as a nerd or I don’t know like modern Ariel and I do sing “Part of Your World.”

Stefanie Bautista 26:43
Love it. I I love on brand your were that whole time. And everybody loved it too. Your costome is so cute. But also the the funnest karaoke is when you go to, it may be fun. But also comical. Is when you go to comic to go to Anime Expo and do karaoke there. Because you have a ton of people that don’t sing in Japanese don’t even understand it, don’t even talk or speak it. And they’re singing full force in Japanese. Because they love the music so much. And like I’ve done it, it’s just like, my best impression of the Japanese language. It’s a beautiful language. I’m so sorry if like I did it so wrong, but it is hilarious. And I know they’ve done it also at concerts, like if you go to like a BTS concert, or if you go to any like K-Pop concert, they have places that you can do karaoke outside. And sometimes they give prizes out if you are brave enough to do it in front of people. There’s also TikTok.

Ariel Landrum 27:41

Stefanie Bautista 27:42
TikTok. Social media. I mean, like you can always find like either a filter or some sort of thing that helps you like either sing with someone or sing along with like words. Those are always fun, if you want to put yourself out there.

Ariel Landrum 27:56
And again, another really good therapy reward is not you as the therapist, but how like recording your client or helping your client create a Lip Sync Battle or a Sing-Along or a karaoke song on their TikTok. It’s something they’re going to do either way. So to make it an earned reward, helps with not only a therapeutic alliance, but helps them reach any goals in their treatment plan.

Stefanie Bautista 28:21
Yep, definitely. And there’s also a platform for teachers. GoNoodle is like the one that we use all the time. Not only do they have get up and move like wiggle breaks, they also have karaoke for the kids to do that safe. I know Kidz Bop has like a version of that, that you can look at on their website, but GoNoodle.. Umm I love it because it has like a lot of really good visuals. And there’s a variety of different lip sync or have them sing out. And they’re really good at call and responses. So chants, things that you can use in the classroom, things you can use outside the classroom, when you’re on the yard. Those like little cahnts and things can be utilized in so many different ways. And the kids love them. And it’s something musical that they can remember because it’s so much easier for them to remember something if it has a rhythm to it.

Ariel Landrum 29:04
Yeah, yeah. And then you know, we we mentioned and you mentioned celebrations. The the last time Stef and I together went to karaoke was for our best friend Malaysha on her bachelorette party.

Stefanie Bautista 29:19
Yep, that was so fun.

Ariel Landrum 29:22
It was one of the best bachelorette parties one of. And it was we just ate and we sang. That was like there was no pressure. I didn’t have to buy a shirt that’s a, you know, Bride Gang,’ or whatever.

Stefanie Bautista 29:35
Because I’m not for that. And I will never ever wear it again. I’m not a fan of those.

Ariel Landrum 29:40
We may maybe we will do a segment on this. But there are parts of bachelorette and bachelor parties where it’s just like, ‘Why are we spending this money?’

Stefanie Bautista 29:49
Also, by maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I am not a big fan of matching family shirts at Disney.

Ariel Landrum 29:57
Oh, no.

Stefanie Bautista 29:58
That’s kind of like. I don’t know maybe…

Ariel Landrum 30:00
In that Disney font. Mom, dad, brother, little signer….

Stefanie Bautista 30:04
I know there’s an industry on Etsy for it, I get that. But as a kid, I hated singles because I did not want to be that person that was like, outted. And I know it’s such a more prevalent thing at Walt Disney World. And maybe we can do an episode on different Disney fashions in different Disney parks. Because what we do here in Anaheim is so much different from what they do at Walt Disney World, which is different from Tokyo, which is different from Paris. It’s like the culture of just dressing yourself to go to Disneyland and doing Disney events is so different in different parts of the world.

Ariel Landrum 30:38
So different.

Stefanie Bautista 30:38
I’d love to explore that. But yeah, like doing the whole Disney font and shirt thing was not my cup of tea.

Ariel Landrum 30:46
No, no, not mine as well. I do like being coordinated. We did mention that on one of our episodes. That’s not the type of coordination though that I’m going for. It’s not my vibe if it’s your vibe, you know, do you but I’m not joining that. And I don’t want to join that in in a bachelorette party. I think that’s I’m cool with if like you know we do the thing where like the bride or will be bride wears white and will wear black. Like I get that I get that. Yeah.

Stefanie Bautista 31:16
And I did one where we all had our like, it was a black shirt, but it had like a Minnie Mouse logo with our names in the front like at the front pocket like portion. And then on the back it was like a more like a bachelorette thing. But that was more subtle and I love that and like I can go along with that but not like… Like Bautista Family Trip 20… Like I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.

Ariel Landrum 31:41
And I know my my friend Kae had us have a shirt that said, Kae’s Golden Girls because she loves the Golden Girls. And then it had the Golden Girls on it. Like if I wear it, it does like nobody really thinks like, “Oh, this is a bachelorette like tank top,” because it was a tank top. “Just tank top with the Golden Girls on it.” And like, “Who doesn’t want to wear the Golden Girls?”

Stefanie Bautista 31:59
Exactly. Their the best. Their golden. The GOATs.

Ariel Landrum 32:03
The GOATs.

Stefanie Bautista 32:03
The GOATs. But I mean, just like karaoke is kind of almost a cringy thing, just like shirts are. I think, too, when we go deeper into the benefits of being able to sing along with our favorite types of music and also because Disney music in and of itself is very singable and it’s geared really towards, of course, children. But the musicality of it is is so so digestible, that it’s easy to just be like, you know, what, if I don’t have a popular music, artists that I want to sing right away, you can always fall back on a Disney song. And that could be a great way to segue into whatever karaoke experience you’re gonna have for the night. So I know a level of that is a lot of emotional safety, right?

Ariel Landrum 32:51
Yeah, so there’s, there’s comfort in the nostalgia of using a song that you remember from childhood. Using a song that’s been around for a while. Using a song that even like, if you’re a parent, your children may also sing. So there’s comfort in the familiarity. There’s definitely a comfort in singing in front of your friends and family when they’re affirming. I do want to say that because again, there’s this whole I’m going to choose a song roulette thing. So some people some people like to rag on their friends. And if that’s your relationship, and you know it’s your relationship and teasing is part of it, then maybe you’re going to pick like a villain song that like is not very good, right? But if you if you’re intentionally trying to do emotional harm in regards to making fun of versus teasing, then yeah, probably not the crew you want to do karaoke with. So when you have family and friends are very supportive who cheer you on who sing with you, who’s who like sing with the with the chorus…

Stefanie Bautista 33:51

Ariel Landrum 33:51
That is so self affirming, that really helps build self esteem. And even you know, again, like in going into like the therapy room, just like cheering your client on in regards to their singing. And, and being affirming that they got the words right. That they were on beat. That they got the rap, solo, whatever it is, that that creates such therapeutic alliance, and it gives them such a boost in self confidence. And when it comes to singing, that’s so vulnerable. You’re at a really vulnerable stage when you’re opening up your mouth and and trying to be on melody on tune. When you are trying to remember the words. And so doing it in a space where people aren’t staring you down. And the people are your friends who you probably are singing the songs in the car together that you’re probably you know, like back in my day, wishing that MTV would play the whole song.

Stefanie Bautista 34:48
Oh my gosh, seriously. Those are the days.

Ariel Landrum 34:54
And then you you mentioned potential physical safety right now in regards to the pandemic because of the fact that you are renting a room for just you and your individuals. No one else.

Stefanie Bautista 35:04
Yes, you have, you can control the level of sanitation that you do. I mean, a lot of these places, now we’re taking extra steps to sanitize. Like, I know that you would probably be sharing mics and everything because there’s only one mic, not everybody can have a mic. Even as much as 2 mics are still sharing. So you might want to disinfect that like to your comfort level. There’s also especially in Asian karaoke places, they have disposable papers that you put over the mic. They’re like cloth, almost like cloth paper, much of same material that you would find on a mask. That is replaceable, and like disposable. So if you want to use multiple of those every time you pass the mic, then that’s fine. So I think that physical safety is so very important, especially when you’re going to be vulnerable, because not only are you sharing, you know, the emotional state of singing something, you’re also in very close proximity to people. You’re drinking, you’re eating, you’re singing, so saliva is going everywhere. And like once you get into it, it can get even more intense. And I think that’s why I remember CDC guidelines saying that you couldn’t really sing out loud. That’s why like concerts weren’t being performed, because everybody would be singing and you’re sharing the same airspace as people inside. And that necessarily wasn’t safe in containing the virus. So definitely that and I think also not just, you know, thinking pandemic times, but in the classroom, when you have all the kids participating and seeing together, it’s such a great sense of community that you’re building with your classroom. And it could even be like, I remember me and my room partner, so like my classroom, we had a door that conjoined our classrooms together, because we were in a bungalow, we would have kids intermingle with each other, back before all of this. And so they would have different times to play games together whenever like that. And sometimes we would have them either watch a movie or you know, do a sing-along. And it would be a great way for them to make those connections outside of their own classroom too. So you can even have like a karaoke club for kids who just love to sing that necessarily can’t do theater, because that also comes with a level of privilege to be able to be in theater and to be in choir. So if you want to create that same experience for them, karaoke is such an easy way to do that. And YouTube has so many different ways of doing kid friendly karaoke if you’re in the classroom, or regular karaoke with obscenities when you’re at home with your friends.

Ariel Landrum 37:36
And, and definitely when it comes to these spaces where you can rent a room, like the safe, the other safety, emotional safety is there’s no hecklers, right?

Stefanie Bautista 37:45
Yes, oh my gosh.

Ariel Landrum 37:45
So if you go, if you go to a bar, and you’re singing, there’s people who might heckle you. And if you definitely go to, again, a bar in North Hollywood, where everyone is a performer, you are not allowed to be bad. So…

Stefanie Bautista 37:56
Not allowed to be bad. Can’t suck.

Ariel Landrum 37:57
You can remove that sort of like, negative experience of the audience. There’s also no judgment on music choice, when it’s friends and family. They brought they want to think Disney songs to like no one, no one is going to… I think umm… There’s a dueling bands piano bar that I used to go to at City Walk. I knew one of the performers there. And there would be certain artists where they would encourage the audience to pay more to get them to stop playing the song. And it was like, “I don’t want someone to hate on my artist just because they hate on the artist.” And that’s less likely to happen when you’re going with people that you are, can be emotionally vulnerable, vulnerable with and feel safe with.

Stefanie Bautista 38:40
Yeah, definitely. And like we mentioned earlier, just singing in itself is so vulnerable already, that you want to set yourself up for success, and not for a traumatic experience. Because I know, that’s why a lot of people that I’ve talked to didn’t want to do karaoke. Didn’t want to have that as an option, because they probably had a really traumatic experience, being in front of people who they didn’t know and, you know, like messing up on a song messing up on a note, in a song getting a word wrong, even though it’s in front of you. Like these are human errors that happen all the time.

Ariel Landrum 39:10

Stefanie Bautista 39:10
We’re not professionals. I don’t know why there’s this assumption that if you get on the stage, automatically, you have to have a stage presence. We’re all like beginner level here.

Ariel Landrum 39:20

Stefanie Bautista 39:20
And I think that’s the beauty of, you know, box karaoke, or at home karaoke. You could still enjoy it, but you don’t have to check all of these boxes in order to have a good time.

Ariel Landrum 39:31
It removes the pressure and particularly with clients that I have adult clients and you have clients who have anxiety, this is a great way to do what we call ‘distress tolerance.’ So if you think of being able to be to sit in uncomfortableness, that emotion of uncomfortableness, it’s a muscle, even though it’s not an actual muscle in the body like it is a emotional muscle and we need to be able to practice stretching it. And so having 1 song that we love. So we have some emotional connection to it, and singing it in front of peers, even if we mess up if we get that audience participation and support, and we can sort of sit in that uncomfortableness get through the song and realize that like, “Wow, if the song is about 3 to 6 minutes, I was able to tolerate a level of anxiety for 3 to 6 minutes and transitioned out of that anxious state, sit back in my chair, cool off, shift my focus towards someone else.” And that then becomes a learned ability when it comes to managing the diagnosis of anxiety. And, and and especially with social anxiety. You start to create this muscle memory of like, “Oh, I can sit in this uncomfortableness for just a little bit longer, just a little bit longer.”

Stefanie Bautista 40:45
Yep. And that is such a big thing, like social anxiety is I think the number one probably most biggest deterrent of karaoke. Is that social anxiety and it’s a real thing. And it’s okay to have that, which is why I think us sharing these different ways to get around it, but also be able to enjoy just singing Disney music with your friends and family is so important because like there, there is such a level of therapy when it comes to not just listening to Disney music, but to engage and sing it out as a form of release.

Ariel Landrum 41:17
Well and definitely, unlike, again, those bar karaokes is in front of people that everyone puts their name in, but we don’t know who gets called right?

Stefanie Bautista 41:25

Ariel Landrum 41:25
It’s really up to you who’s ever MCing it. And even when I was doing that, SyFy Comic-Con SyFy Fan Karaoke, again, it was like everyone on the bus put it in, but it was random out of the hat. So I wasn’t even guaranteed that I was going to be able to sing. With with karaoke that is in an actual room, everyone chooses their song, so there’s no surprise, and it goes in the order of choices put in. So if you’re someone who needs to get comfortable to the environment, you don’t have to be the first second or third song. You can wait, you can put yours in like maybe fifth or six, right. And it shows you the next one that’s coming up. So you get that prep time of being forewarned. And you can even start off with a duet. So you can sing with a peer that you feel comfortable singing with. So you don’t feel like you’re singing alone. When we sing again, community singing your voice, a little bit drowns out with the community, and that feels a little bit more comfortable. And you can build up again, that that muscle that ability to do it. “Okay, I’m right now by myself on stage, which is not really stage, I’m just kind of standing in front of the chairs.”

Exactly. And what I like to do with my friends, too, is like when we get in there, we never know what song we’re gonna sing first. So we just pick a random song that has a good instrumental that we all know and let it play. And then we automate like we naturally just start singing along with it. So that already breaks the ice.


Stefanie Bautista 42:48
So we don’t even have the mics up. We’re just already singing in the room. And then once we go through the book and go, “Oh, I want to do this song.” We start queuing it up all the way. And what actually ends up happening is that as we get more comfortable with it, let’s say we only have an hour, we choose too many songs. And we have speed karaoke for the last, like 10 minutes. And we’ve done this so many times with me and Ariel and our friends. We just have to do like the first verse and then the chorus and then end it and then go next. So that at least we get a little snippet of the songs that we want to hear and sing, but we don’t necessarily have to finish out the song. Because we are we do want to be a little frugal.

Ariel Landrum 43:28
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. We can’t go past that hour mark.

Stefanie Bautista 43:31
Exactly. So going into song choice. We are now going to share our favorite song choices Disney song choices when we do karaoke. So Ariel, we’ll start with you. What are your favorite Disney songs to sing? And maybe tell us a little bit about why you like these songs.

Ariel Landrum 43:48
So definitely Part of Your World. Animated The Little Mermaid.

Stefanie Bautista 43:53
Typical. Just kidding. No. It’s so you.

Ariel Landrum 43:55
So typical. So me. Obviously favorite princess. My name. And also it’s I think it’s a good heartfelt song. I like it if I want to to sing alone. And I’ll definitely sing it like when everybody’s eating or even when they’re looking at their own music. I don’t even though it’s it’s meant to be a solo performance. I don’t even need eyes on me to sing it. It’s really me singing to myself. So I that’s why I love it.

Stefanie Bautista 44:22
I love that.

Ariel Landrum 44:23
I love singing Un Poco Loco by on, from the animated Coco. And that’s one that I like to sing with a group. It’s such a fun upbeat song. It’s one of the songs I made James’ friends, our friends, sing in the car when we were driving around town. And a good chunk of it is even if you don’t know the words, it’s a good clapping song. So that’s, that’s a great way to get like, I guess you’d say community or audience participation.

Stefanie Bautista 44:50
There’s a lot of repetition in that song too, which is great.

Ariel Landrum 44:53
Mm hmm. A Whole New World as a good duet song. My partner and I have have sung the song together in the car. We haven’t done it in karaoke and so that’s that’s a hope of mine.

Stefanie Bautista 45:05
I’mma hold you to that. I’mma hold you to it.

Ariel Landrum 45:07
Another one I like to sing with friends that’s just a big hit, I Just Can’t Wait to be King animated Lion King. And Zero to Hero animated Hercules. Now that song is it’s hard to get on karaoke so there are just a lot of like if we go into K-Town I know that songs there. If I go to… And same with bare necessities also one that’s not on many karaoke setlists. And so another just sort of like audience participation song. It’s one that’s easy to clap to. The the final 3 are I’ll Make a Man Out of You. Again, a group song.

Stefanie Bautista 45:46

Ariel Landrum 45:46
Again who doesn’t like Donny?

Stefanie Bautista 45:47
Who doesn’t like Donny? Who doesn’t like Shang?

Ariel Landrum 45:52
Funny story, the first season of The Masked Singer, when they Donny Os, Danny’s character came out he started singing I was like, Is that Donny Osmond? That’s Donny Osmond? And I was right. I was right. It made me so happy to be right. And it was only because I noticed his voice… His singing voice from this movie. And this song.

Stefanie Bautista 46:10
I mean, how else would I mean, we’re not big Donny & Marie fans. So…

Ariel Landrum 46:13
No. No.

Stefanie Bautista 46:13
We’d really only know it from there.

Ariel Landrum 46:15
Just from there. That’s How You Know from Enchanted. Another difficult one

Stefanie Bautista 46:21
Deep cuts. That’s a deep cut.

Ariel Landrum 46:21
Deep cuts. That is hard to find. Usually it’s not at a karaoke bar. It’s me singing it from pulling it up on YouTube or Spotify. And with the Carpool Karaoke Mic, if you’re doing it from Spotify, like you’re playing the song with the singer. So that’s another way to like feel a little comfortable because you don’t hear yourself. You hear them. And then the song that I wish I could sing at karaoke, the song that I wish I can find, have not seen it is ‘The Tiki Room’ song.

Stefanie Bautista 46:54
Yes. Well, actually, now that you’ve… Well, not only as ‘The Tiki Room’ song, a great song, it’s one of Ariel’s favorite places to visit. And it’s on her must do list whenever we go to Disneyland.

Ariel Landrum 47:06
Must do.

Stefanie Bautista 47:07
I’m actually really excited to take my son into The Tiki Room, because he’s becoming more aware of like lights and like moving things. And I think his mind is going to be like blown and when he goes into The Tiki Room.

Ariel Landrum 47:20

Stefanie Bautista 47:20
I’m so ready to record all of that, because like he, we have like a there’s like an Oscar like life size puppet at the doctor. It doesn’t move. It’s just there. But this last time we went, he was staring at it for like 5 minutes. And he was just like, “Is it gonna move? Is it gonna talk to me. So he’s making those connections, which is hilarious. I can actually give you a little bit of a solution to The Tiki Room song.

Ariel Landrum 47:45
Oh yeah?

Stefanie Bautista 47:45
I know, earlier that you can pull it up on YouTube. And I think you only pulled it up on YouTube when you’re doing Carpool Karaoke, right? So when I went to a family party not too long ago, it was on the Fourth of July. My sister in law, she doesn’t have a Magic Mic and I didn’t get to bring mine. But another one of their relatives brought their portable boombox, like the ones that you get from Costco. And they have an auxiliary cord that you can plug in a mic to. Very much like the mics that we use here for podcasting. All you need is like the universal auxiliary cord. And what we did is because they have a TV outside, we just pulled up the YouTube karaoke.

Ariel Landrum 48:23
Oh yeah.

Stefanie Bautista 48:24
And we just plugged in and we sang, and that we would just turn down the volume a little bit on the TV and turned up the mics on the boombox. And that’s how we were able to pick any song. I mean, we were able to see…

Ariel Landrum 48:36
So The Tiki Room’s gotta be on the YouTubes.

Stefanie Bautista 48:38
Yes, it’s gonna be on YouTube. And it probably even has the visuals and all of the sound effects too. So…

Ariel Landrum 48:45

Stefanie Bautista 48:45
I think next time we do that, we can definitely make it happen for you…

Ariel Landrum 48:48

Stefanie Bautista 48:49
And it’ll be safe. And you can sing your Tiki Room heart out.

Ariel Landrum 48:52
Yeah! Oh I would. I would love that. And and I have the perfect mic. So I’ve joined a group on Facebook called Buy Nothing Reseda. Buy Nothing is a grassroots social movement which is in 44 nations. You can find your local group on The purpose of the group is to develop a gift economy with your local community. Their mission is to allow communities to share in their abundance, create community connection, and to divert materials from filling landfills and oceans. And so my partner recently picked up a pink microphone that’s connected to my karaoke machine at home. And this microphone has Disney Princesses on it!

Stefanie Bautista 49:31

Ariel Landrum 49:33
Ariel, of course, and Belle, and Aurora.

Stefanie Bautista 49:35
Yep, all you need is a boombox with an auxiliary cord and most like a lot of them have it now because they become popular to bring on the beach with you. They have their own sustained battery. There’s the one that I’ve seen has a charger on it. It’s connected to Bluetooth so you can even hook that up if it’s a computer like there’s so many different ways to connect technology now that…

Ariel Landrum 49:57

Stefanie Bautista 49:57
I think is is really good when we’re all Trying to, you know, guess distance ourselves away from people. But also, we do want to implore you to support your local karaoke place, whether it be a noraebang or Kbox or Japanese karaoke because they’re struggling to stay alive during the pandemic and we want these places to survive until all of this has blown over. So yes, we will definitely link those places if you want to go

Ariel Landrum 50:23
Stef, what is your list?

Stefanie Bautista 50:25
Yes, my list is… I didn’t want it to overlap yours because a lot of the songs you sing I love singing too. So I tried I’m glad that you wrote your list first because I was like, “Okay, she already said that one.” I’ll overlap a little bit but not a lot. But my favorite one first and because it’s such a short version of the song the original version of Reflection from Mulan is like A kind of hard to sing. I struggle because Christina Aguilar is not like you know, and even Lea Salonga who’s sings the original animated one. She is a Broadway singer and she is fantastic. She sings most of Disney Princesses song, but I love Reflection because it’s short.

Ariel Landrum 51:07
Okay, okay.

Stefanie Bautista 51:08
It’s short and it’s emotional and everybody loves singing it at the same time whether or not you’re a great singer not. But I love that because it’s, it’s it’s a good icebreaker. My favorite Little Mermaid song is Kiss The Girl because I love the ad libbing from the frogs and everybody in the back. And the “Whoa! Whoa!” And the, “Yeah!” Like a lot of those. I love those parts. The next is How Far I’ll Go from Moana. That’s also kind of hard song to sing. If you’ve been seeing a lot throughout the night, that’s probably not one you’d want to sing at the end because you’d be totally winded and your voice would hurt so much.

Ariel Landrum 51:50
Yeah so you lose voice a lot when you go for a whole hour and especially if there’s less people.

Stefanie Bautista 51:57
To fill in that hour you’re going to be using your voice a lot to have a lot of water on you have like snacks like sustain yourself because it’s a lot of energy. It’s a workout in itself. You’re literally putting out a concert for you and your friends for like an entire hour. So if you want a glimpse of you know what a musician is being like puts a little bit of it. I am not sure if I’ve ever seen Where You Are from Moana and that is the song that they sing with the whole village but I love that song because it’s beautiful. The harmonies are great Nicole Scherzinger who plays Moana’s mom sounds so great in that song. But I mean seeing multiple parts unless you have friends that know those parts by heart is kind of hard. So it’s kind of like singing N’Sync or Backstreet Boys where there’s multiple harmonies, but you’re doing all of them at the same time. That’s like, also something that you don’t really think about until you start singing karaoke. But if I find that through YouTube, I’ll sing it. One of my favorite songs that has recently resurfaced is I Won’t Say I’m in Love from Hercules.

Ariel Landrum 52:59
Aww yes.

Stefanie Bautista 52:59
It’s such a beautiful like almost 50’s kind of swing sort of love song. Very reminiscent of like The Supremes and Diana Ross. I kudos to the girl who sings it. I…

Ariel Landrum 53:13
Susan Egan?

Stefanie Bautista 53:15
Oh, yeah, I think she’s the voice of the actress herself of the character herself. So I guess she sings it. Yeah, yeah. And that one has really good harmonies for the background because it’s like a, like a 60’s Supremes kind of song. So that one’s fun to sing with your girlfriends. I’ll make fun of you is always fun. Um, the bmm part is just like the best part to just like hype yourself up. And next one is Beauty and the Beast, but the Celine Dion version and the Peabo Bryson version. I love that because I remember being a kid and Beauty and the Beast, coming out in like 1993 and it was the first time I heard a Disney song on the radio, because it was from 2 artists that were so popular already.

Ariel Landrum 54:00

Stefanie Bautista 54:00
And like the end like the way they both ad lib around each other during like the bridge and like the crescendo of that song is it’s so 90’s. It’s so great. Uhuh. And I overlapped on A Whole New World because I have to.

Ariel Landrum 54:15

Stefanie Bautista 54:15
It’s just part of it. I’m great, do it. I like singing also Somewhere Beyond the Sea from Finding Nemo.

Ariel Landrum 54:22

Stefanie Bautista 54:23
It is actually an old song from the 50’s by Bobby Darin. And I think I want to say Michael Buble a covered it for Finding Nemo. I could be wrong, but I think it is him. He would be the only person who could cover that song for Finding Nemo.

Ariel Landrum 54:38
Not a lot of people can croon.

Stefanie Bautista 54:39
Yeah, because it is a crooner song. It’s fun to sing with a lot of friends too. And my last one Love is an Open Door because it’s so comical and the part where she says, “Sandwiches.”

Ariel Landrum 54:53

Stefanie Bautista 54:53
“We finish each other’s sandwiches,” is like so fun to sing and I love singing that with my husband. But yeah, I know there’s more. But that’s just like the short list of fun songs to sing not just for, like with yourself but with friends. Because I think, I mean, as much as I love to sing, like singing with friends is so much better. And..

Ariel Landrum 55:14

Stefanie Bautista 55:14
Disney allows you to be able to do that, because everybody’s heard the songs before. It’s not like you’re finding like an obscure song that like is only played on like one playlist that you have on your Spotify. Everybody’s heard the song. So yeah.

Ariel Landrum 55:28
So as we started, we will end do not believe that meme. There is Disney karaoke that exists.

Stefanie Bautista 55:35

Ariel Landrum 55:36
And even so much so as the way Stef described that you can just do it at home.

Stefanie Bautista 55:41
Yes. And if you have your favorite playlist Disney playlist to share with us, be sure to tweet us @happiestpodGT, and comment in our comment sections on Instagram or DM us. And maybe we can compile one master list of…

Ariel Landrum 55:56

Stefanie Bautista 55:56
Disney karaoke songs on Spotify that we can share with you. Because we know that the Disney music catalog is just as big as its film catalog.

Ariel Landrum 56:05

Stefanie Bautista 56:06
And I know we’ve mentioned instrumental songs before but if you guys have a favorite song to sing, or hum, I know we didn’t even like touch Marvel music.

Ariel Landrum 56:16
Nope we didn’t touch broadway.

Stefanie Bautista 56:18
We didn’t touch Broadway. And that’s a whole nother genre. I mean, even just like off the top of my head, singing All The Stars by SZA and Kendrick Lamar from Black Panther; one of my favorite songs ever…

Ariel Landrum 56:30

Stefanie Bautista 56:30
Ever, ever. And, and it’s from Black Panther. So…

Ariel Landrum 56:33
Yeah. I mean, even like I we didn’t even talk about all of the High School Musicals

Stefanie Bautista 56:39

Ariel Landrum 56:41
Which is literally singing.

Stefanie Bautista 56:43
literally singing and literally whenever you sing the song that Troy sings when he’s on that golf course. It’s a meme in itself. And you have to be Troy in order to sing that song. But it makes for fun drunk times, for sure. And even if you’re not drunk, I’m sure you can find a drunk friend to entertain you.

Ariel Landrum 57:06
Or if you’re allergic like me, you can be the person drinking ginger beer and the one who drives everyone home safe.

Stefanie Bautista 57:14
Or the great thing about sometimes doing karaoke in places that have public transportation is that you can just all be either drunk from food or a drunk from alcohol and not even worry about that. But I think that’s for another time. I know I missed I missed karaoke days, for sure. I mean, I mean, just to wrap it up, I have not been to karaoke since. But I know friends who have and I think as long as you kind of do it within the parameters of safety and have that agreement with your friends. It’s the best way to do it. Even doing it at home, you are letting people into your own home too. So that’s another level of safety to consider. But hopefully we will get back to going to K-Boxes and celebrating with our friends at the karaoke place. And yeah, if you have any other tips for karaoke singing, let us know.

Ariel Landrum 58:06
Yeah. Thank you for joining us everyone.

Stefanie Bautista 58:08

Ariel Landrum 58:09

Media/Characters Mentioned
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Coco
  • Aladdin
  • The Lion King
  • Hercules
  • The Jungle Book
  • Mulan
  • Enchanted
  • The Tiki Room
  • MOana
  • Peabo Bryson
  • Celine Dion
  • SZA
  • Kendrick Lamar
  • Finding Nemo
  • Frozen
  • James Corden
  • Carpool Karaoke
  • Cobra Kai
  • Karate Kid
Topics/Themes Mentioned
  • Singing
  • Vulnerability
  • Community connection
  • Familial bonding
  • Karaoke
  • Noreabang
  • GoNoodle
  • Buy Nothing Project
  • Distress tolerance
  • Reward system

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 | Stef on Twitter: @stefa_kneee | Ariel on Instagram: @airyell3000 |

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