
Suicide Squad, Mental Health Representation, Patreon

#55: Josué and Lara discuss the new Suicide Squad movie, mental health representation in the movie and in the DC universe. Josué brings up Kimmiy Schmidt again. Also, we have a Patreon! So we discuss what becoming a patron means for us. Visit our Patreon at: www.patreon.com/geektherapy.

*The Geek Therapy Library is meant to help fans communicate through their favorite movies, books, and games. It is a resource for therapists, teachers, and parents to find a way to work with or talk about things through awesome content and allow Geeks and Nerds everywhere a way to be better understood.

You can help out by suggesting entries for the GT Library here: https://geektherapy.typeform.com/to/azCwM5 

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