

Emerald City Comic Con 2022

Author: Newsroom

As covid restrictions end in Seattle, the illustrious Emerald City Comic Con shines its light welcoming eager comic and toy enthusiasts to run amuck on the convention floor. The first Latina superhero team in comic book history comes with their open doors, A LA BRAVA.

This is creator/writer Kayden Phoenix’s first time stepping inside ECCC. But she’s no stranger to comic cons, having been a long-time full-pass attendee. She’s proud to see herself on the other side of the table with her publishing company, Phoenix Studios.

Always inspired by comic con’s freedom and acceptance, Kayden Phoenix wanted to create Latina superheroes that empower and invigorate. “I want to create a superhero mindset for all marginalized individuals, particularly Latine.” Support from national news channels like Disney/ABC, Eyewitness News 7, Spectrum News 1, and international Spanish stations, Univision and Telemundo, have broadcasted Phoenix’s comics, echoing the importance of diverse representation.

Combine Phoenix’s passion with a fresh-eyed Latina artist team like acclaimed Eisner- nominated illustrator Eva Cabrera (SANTA, LOQUITA) and newcomer Amanda Julina Gonzalez (JALISCO, RUCA), an uprooted New Mexican who recently graduated from Laguna College of Art and Design in Animation, and you get beautiful and inspiring crafted pieces of art.

JALISCO is a blade-wielding folklorico dancer that uses her culture as her weapon. SANTA, a brawler that takes down the ICE detention centers. LOQUITA, a teen detective in the supernatural world. RUCA, a chola serving justice. BANDITA, the gunslinger in modern-day New York. A LA BRAVA, the 1st Latina superhero team in history.

Fairly new in the comic book industry, Phoenix is debuting her 6th and final graphic novel of volume 1, A LA BRAVA, Latina Superhero Team. Phase II is already underway with THE MAJESTICS, Native, and Latina princesses, debuting in Winter 2022.

“Comic book superheroes give kids something to look up to, and it helps if those heroes look something like the kids.” – ABC Eyewitness News 7

Everyone needs a superhero, but if youre a woman or a person of color, chances are you wont find yourself reflected on the big screen, much less a comic book.– Spectrum News 1

“But we’ve seen those stories. We’ve never seen a female story. We’ve never seen the Latina story. We haven’t seen our version of it.” – L.A. Times.

You can see Kayden Phoenix’s debut A LA BRAVA, Latina Superhero Team graphic novel, and all her story books at her table in Artist Alley table E-4.

Site: www.LatinaSuperheroes.com. IG @LatinaSuperheroes

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