Author: Stefanie Bautista
Machete is at it again! Danny Trejo, Echo Park native and our favorite criminal in every Robert Rodriguez movie, strikes hard at the food scene with a newly successful coffee and donut stand that opened this weekend in Hollywood. In addition to Trejo’s Tacos, Trejo’s Cantina, and a roaming food truck, Trejo’s now coming for your breakfast the only way he knows how— with a punch.
People of Con visited the bright pink corner shop, visible from miles away, to see what he had in store. Occupying the former Donut Time building, Trejo’s Donuts and Coffee is like a beacon of sweetness on the corner of Highland and Santa Monica Blvd. Its grab-and-go setup allows customers to get in, see what they like (or even take a chance with a baker’s choice box), grab their signature Trejo roast, and attend their next audition or meeting.

Despite the short line outside the shop, the service was quick and helpful. Each donut ranges from $1.75 to $3, depending on how fancy you like your breakfast cake. If you like living on the edge, for $15, you can get half a dozen donuts of the shop’s choice. They serve both buttermilk cake donuts and raised donuts, but what makes this donut shop unique are its flavors, true to any LA native but rarely seen in a regular donut shop. The perfectly named Margarita, a tequila and lime glazed raised donut, is the best starter for those preparing for a club-hopping all-nighter. Soon to be a favorite with any familia is the Abuelita, which pays homage to the beloved Mexican hot chocolate brand. Donuts like the Cinnamon Crumb and the Low Rider satisfy any churro lover’s needs.
It’s easy to get carried away with your order: the doors open with the smell of fresh donuts wafts in the air, tempting anyone to give in to satisfy their sweet tooth. Trejo’s Coffee and Donuts features his signature roast, from which we ordered a Cochata Cold Brew (though they have a regular cold brew for a simpler pairing). This coffee creation consists of Trejo’s roast, cold brewed and infused with horchata, a delicious rice milk and cinnamon Mexican drink. Mirroring the ever-changing community, the shop rotates its desserts weekly, indicating what to expect on the chalkboard behind the donut case.
If you love Mexican flavors and Trejo’s off-the-wall and edgy take on his food, you’ll love Trejo’s Coffee and Donuts. Trejo knows the local palate, and Los Angeles has been more than ready to taste a variety of Mexican fusion donuts. If anything, now you can pilgrimage to all the Trejo establishments and see if you can hack and slash through Danny Trejo’s food empire.
Address: 6785 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90038
Phone: (323) 462-4600