Grade: A

Author: Billy Madden
If you have been reading my reviews for a while, you can probably gather that I am not a big horror movie fan. To me, they come across as formulaic and, oftentimes, predictable. Initially, I had no desire to see Us. I decided to see it after remembering director Jordan Peele’s first movie, Get Out, and how everyone was talking about it. I’m glad I took the chance. I ended up seeing Us twice.
Peele is a master of his craft in terms of suspense. He knows how to hold an audience’s attention and keep them engaged. The first time I saw Us, I truly was on the edge of my seat.
Us is a twisted story that speaks in metaphors, presenting you with a good time. I think it was more of a comedy, which I can’t go into detail about without giving away key parts of the movie. Is it a total knee-slapper? No. But you will find yourself laughing at what could have been tense and scary moments.
Still, despite the perfectly placed humor, Us is a suspenseful thriller. During its 1 hour and 56 minute run time, you will be holding your breath over moments of crazy tension worthy of the “white knuckle thriller” description.
There is a lot of killing and blood involved, so if you have any aversion to those two things, you should stay away.
Another element that added to the suspense is the music. Music is essential to any movie to provide the right tone. The movie version of Luniz’s “I Got 5 On It” was masterful, as the music department made enough tweaks to bring out the creep factor. It was pure genius to take such a recognizable song and alter it enough that audiences instantly know they should be in fear.
Every actor in Us did an incredible job. Not only did the actor have to act as their main character, but they also had to act as their evil doppelganger. Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o steals the show with her performance in both roles. The chilling voice she puts on for her doppelganger will haunt you for weeks. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets nominated for this movie. Her performance alone is worth the price of admission.
Due to its R rating, Us is not for kids. For everyone else, grab some friends and enjoy a fun movie that will have you talking and guessing for a long time after you exit the theater.
Rated: R
Studio: Universal Pictures
Director: Jordan Peele
Screenwriter: Jordan Peele
Starring: Lupita Nyong’o, Elisabeth Moss, Winston Duke, Tim Heidecker, Shahadi Wright Joseph, Evan Alex, Madison Curry, Cali Sheldon, Noelle Sheldon, Duke Nicholson
Genre: Thriller
A mother (Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o from Black Panther, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and 12 Years a Slave) and a father (Winston Duke from Black Panther) take their kids to their beach house, expecting to unplug and unwind with friends (including Emmy winner Elizabeth Moss from TV series The Handmaid’s Tale). But as night descends, their serenity turns to tension and chaos when some shocking visitors arrive uninvited.