Disney-Fying Self-Care

#11: Happiest Pod dives in on self-care and the different ways we use Disney mediums to incorporate it into our everyday lives. We define self-care and give examples for children, adults, and families.

Read the blog post for this episode for additional references and resources.

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Ariel Landrum (00:05):

*Bells and intro music* Hello everyone. Welcome to the Happiest Pod on Earth. I’m Ariel.

Stefanie Bautista (00:13):

and I’m Stephanie.

Ariel Landrum (00:14):

and we’re Disney fans, but we’re really so much more than that.

Stefanie Bautista (00:18):

I’m an educator.

Ariel Landrum (00:19):

I’m a licensed therapist and together this place is where we discuss

Stefanie Bautista (00:26):

And dissect Disney mediums with a critical lens.

Ariel Landrum (00:29):

So I’m curious stuff. What are we breaking down today?

Stefanie Bautista (00:33):

Well, today we are breaking down self-care and Disney and mainly the ways that we use different Disney, um, forms of media to help us get through our everyday lives, um, help us get through everyday routines and how we can maybe give you guys some tips to use in your everyday lives and, you know, kind of connect in that way, because I feel that sometimes we use Disney as a form of just self-care and, you know, ways to just make us happy and grounded again. Would you agree?

Ariel Landrum (01:00):

I agree. Absolutely. I think, um, I think it’s important that we clear up a common misconception when it comes to self-care. Um, a lot of people, particularly, even my clients, my friends and my family, when they hear self-care, they make it synonymous with being self-indulgent or being selfish. Um, I don’t know. Does that, does that sound similar to the way that you’ve heard it represented?

Stefanie Bautista (01:24):

And I think self-care is one of those things that they preach in our professional developments at the school, but it’s also like, yeah, I would love to practice self-care, but can I even carve out time in my day and my week, seeing how busy we are with our schedules, with our students, with our home. Like, I feel like there is a level of privilege when it comes to being able to do self-care, quote unquote for yourself, because we think of getting a pedicure, getting a manicure, going to get a massage, those things take money and time and some things we just don’t have those things.

Ariel Landrum (01:59):

Yes. So that’s why I think like one of the things we want to challenge is this idea of self-care and how it’s been portrayed in mainstream. And even you bring up in professional development, like they scream self-care, but nobody actually defines it. Nobody actually says what it is and you can look up the word self and you can look up the word care and sort of cobble something together. Um, but essentially, uh, to give everyone a, a definition or at least the definition we’re going to use in this show is that self-care is a conscious act. It’s doing something to establish and maintain specific pillars of wellbeing that prevent illness or deterioration. Um, and these pillars may be different for everyone. Um, but the common pillars that at least I see in my practice are hygiene, lifestyle, nutrition, environment, medical care, mental care, and even cultural connection. I find that when we touch those different pillars in my clients’ lives, they are able to maintain mental wellness and, and even, um, their symptoms from becoming a mental health disorder or at least get reprieved from a current one.

Stefanie Bautista (03:05):

Yeah. I totally hear that. And when we break it down like that, talking about hygiene, nutrition environment, just putting yourself in these places that don’t really cost too much money, like remember to brush your teeth every day or remember to take a shower. When, you know, you just don’t feel like, you know, your yourself, like those little things could be self-care, it doesn’t have to be getting a make-over, it doesn’t have to be changing up your whole entire look. It could just make sure that you are healthy and living every single day. Not, not feeling like you’re falling or failing, um, the cultural connection to me, that’s something that I didn’t know about. And I think that really speaks volumes, especially when connecting as a second generation immigrant like me, like I, my parents came to this country and, you know, we were assimilated very, very quickly into American lifestyle. So every time I get to connect with my culture, it revitalizes me. And, you know, if you guys can agree with that, there’s just, it kind of, you can’t really explain it. Um, when you hear something that you resonate with with your culture. And I think that’s like a great way of defining self-care that makes it a lot more accessible to everyone.

Ariel Landrum (04:19):

Accessible and, and even considering it a practical maintenance, like there’s a difference between, you know, getting your car washed and then getting your car regular tune-up right. Like we know when we’re supposed to change oil, we know when we’re supposed to put gas in it, some of us will push the car till E, um, how, how often do we do that till the car starts to run down versus somebody who’s doing regular maintenance on the vehicle and maybe they polish and prime it every once in awhile, that’s, that’s more indulgent self-care to the car, but this is the same with us. We may dothings that make us feel more polished, but our regular maintenance, like you mentioned, just even personal hygiene. What I noticed with my clients is they will see that when they’re dipping into a depression, the first thing to go is they will skip a shower two. Or, um, they’ll, they’ll go to bed with, without brushing their teeth or, um, or brushing their hair. And that’s usually a sign that they’re, they’re starting to dip into mental and wellness. And so if they lean in on that pillar of hygiene, if I just kind of try and make, make myself, um, incorporate this a little bit better or find what I need to change so that I can incorporate this while I’m feeling unwell, it’ll help prevent deterioration. It’ll help prevent me from dipping into full blown depression.

Stefanie Bautista (05:32):

Right. And I mean, bringing it back a little bit to Disney area, what kind of self-care things do you do that Disney theme? I know we haven’t been to the parks in quite some time because of COVID, but what are like the little things that you’ve done to stay connected to Disney and also kind of to nourish yourself whether it be physically or mentally?

Ariel Landrum (05:58):

Well, be-before I talk about sort of like one of the newer big things, some of the little things, uh, are definitely, um, I Def I have Disney plus sort of running in the background. I have my go-to episodes, um, or movies that, uh, like hearing the voices, hearing the songs just gives me feelings of joy. I don’t even need to be actively participating in it to know that I’m giving myself some moments of self-care. Um, if, if, um, we’re looking at at these pillars, it’s, it’s my environment. I’ve now changed my environment of like, if I have to sit down and write notes and do like boring paperwork, um, it’s turned from, uh, being monotonous tasks to like hearing these soothing sounds of, um, uh, just music that I can actively or passively sing, or hear the lyrics to, or just inspiring songs of like my favorite princesses.

Stefanie Bautista (06:51):

Yeah, for sure. That’s awesome. I know for me, I started decorating my workspace and my room with Disney memorabilia. I have bought so many things at the park, but I never put them up or like, I just don’t display them because I’m so busy with all these other things. But then when I finally got a chance to just be in my room, because we all had to be in our rooms at one point, I was like, well, why don’t we just put up these posters? Or why don’t I finally print out these pictures of me and my friends at Disneyland? Um, it was a little bittersweet doing those things in the moment, just because I didn’t know when I was going to go back to the parks, but I think seeing those things kind of put me at ease because I’m like, you know what? Disneyland is my happy place and what it, all of these little trinkets have memories tied to them, which are happy memories, um, or at least sentimental memories to me. So, you know, seeing like my little pop figurines of, you know, the princesses and Mulan and seeing my vintage Disney posters, and finally going through my camera roll and organizing thousands of pictures from PhotoPass and you know, all of the things that we did. And I, I’m not sure if you know, a lot of you have iPhones, but since the new iOS update, it gives you memories on your little widget. So many of those memories are Disney memories because I think so many pictures, I random see like a Finding Nemo cake pop and, you know, just random stuff like that. And it makes me smile. It makes me go, you know what? Those were happy times. I’m pretty sure we’ll be back to those and no time and, you know, but until then I’ll just take these memories and kind of just stay connected to them. Um, and also reminisce with my friends about them. I I’ll like text message someone be like, oh my gosh, this picture just popped up. And that was a way of connecting with my friends, even though we were kind of far away so yeah.

Ariel Landrum (08:43):

Yeah. So another, another example of environment, right? Like you surrounded yourself with, with Disney, something that’s soothing for you has, has, um, strong connection to you. Um, and you took time of your day to do it. Like you decided that prioritizing your space to be comforting was important.

Speaker 2 (09:01):

Hmmhm. Totally. It was like mini Disneyland up in here.

Speaker 1 (09:08):

Like what, when it comes to, um, looking at some of these other pillars and at least connecting them with Disney, um, I was certainly like when I’m thinking of nutrition, um, I’ve, I’ve looked up recipes for things that I’ve eaten at Disneyland.

Stefanie Bautista (09:25):

For mentioning that. Oh my gosh. I think, did you try to recreate a Disney recipe over quarantine? I tried to

Speaker 1 (09:34):

Recreate churros. It wasn’t fast, but part of my self-care was trying to cook. Um, it did not, um, nutrition wise. It’s not that, so I guess it leans in more lifestyle for talking about just learning how to cook. I wasn’t trying to make the healthy churro, but it was just the sheer fact that I was trying to like, learn this skill, trying to do something fun and I didn’t put any pressure on myself. So the thing is sometimes we turn self-cares into passions or even monetized passions where it’s like, I have to be perfect at it. I have to hit a benchmark. I have to have an achievement. Um, and for me it was like, I just want to see if this is a thing I can do. It’s not a thing I can do. Um, I still thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Stefanie Bautista (10:15):

Let me just take that a step forward or maybe even backwards. So I put, um, our family every year does a secret Santa for Christmas. Right. And for my, one of my secret center presence was the Disneyland Cookbook. The unofficial one, if you guys want to look it up, it’s on Amazon. It’s made by a super Disney fan just like us. And she has taken the time to like perfect these recipes. Right. So I got it. And then I was like, oh my gosh, I’m going to do all these things. And this is at the height of let’s all bake quarantine and everyone is making bread and all this stuff, I started from my starter bread. Oh, does anybody have like sourdough starter? So I was like, oh, the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to make the raspberry macaroon, not the Matterhorn one, but the raspberry macaroon and okay.

Speaker 2 (10:59):

I’ve never made a Macron in my life. I’ve consumed millions of them, but I’ve never made one. And I always tell myself, oh yeah, I’m going to make it. I watch every baking show and I go, I can do it better than that. Like, you didn’t get the foot on it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So ever since I got the book I have done none of them so far. Quarantine is done and over with, and I just moved it from one bookshelf to the other. However, I will, one of these days, maybe by the end of this year finally do one, and like you said, I think there was like such a big, I don’t know if it was backlash on, you know, wanting to say I accomplished so much during quarantine. And there were reminders that my friends and other people would say on their Instagram and their stories. And they were like, you don’t have to do that. Just the sheer, like want to do something different was more than enough. Like we were all going through it this past year. And the fact that I was like, “Ooh, let me even try and recreate some of these things.” I felt like that was a big enough step for me to even want to. Now I have the tools, I just have to do it. And I, that didn’t deter me at all, but I have yet to crack open that book and actually get ingredients and do something like that. But, um, yeah. I mean, for those of you out there who feel like you guys didn’t accomplish anything during quarantine team, you don’t have to. Yeah.

Ariel Landrum (12:23):

I think the, you know, what we want to acknowledge is every single person living in this earth right now has not survived a pandemic until we had a pandemic. So there was no, we have no right way. Right? Like there was no, there was no shared history or cultural consciousness that we could lean on and be like, this is how you survive a pandemic. Right. So if you made it on the other side and you’re here, you did it right. Like, that’s it, if you, if you learned a new language kudos for you, if you did the same thing going in and the same thing going out kudos for you. Cause the point was to survive pandemic.

Stefanie Bautista (12:56):

The point was to make it through. Oh no.

Ariel Landrum (12:59):

Oh speaking of making it through.

Ariel Landrum (13:02):

My son did not make it down the hallway clearly. It’s okay though. He’s okay. He’s okay. He’s got plenty of people watching him. Um, but yeah, I mean, going back to, I guess, using self-care and maybe even throwing in mindfulness in there, um,

Ariel Landrum (13:18):

Definitely that’s part of mental care and that, that pillar of, of mental wellness, we forget that our mind is a muscle that needs to be actively used in and um, an exercised.

Stefanie Bautista (13:29):

Yeah, definitely. And Ariel, do you mind just giving us a little bit of background of what exactly mindfulness is defined so that our listeners can kind of, you know, center themselves on that?

Speaker 1 (13:41):

Absolutely. So mindfulness is a practice it’s been utilized by many religions and secular traditions. Um, you can find this practice meditation and metadata prayer, um, in many secular traditions and the history of the practice can be found in Buddhism Hinduism and even has roots in Judaism. Um, Christianity and Islam also have hints of mindfulness and meditation specifically or mindful prayer. Um, but essentially mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and aware of the current moment and responding without judgment or reactivity. I’m going to repeat that again, responding without judgment or reactivity. Now I can tell you, there’ve been times where I’ve been fully aware of the moment, but I’ve been aware of my judgment on the Moment or how angry the moment. Um, so I would say that that’s what makes it an exercise. It’s an active practice to be able to, to gain that skillset. Um, oftentimes the practice does focus on breath or body or mind and environment. Um, and that’s where you, you can create that, that, uh, experience of being fully aware judgment because you’ve sort of focused your senses on things. Um, and man mindfulness has many benefits, uh, for all of us, including just decreasing stress, um, increasing treatment effectiveness for mental medical conditions. Lots of my clients who have chronic pain, mindfulness has allowed them to lessen those pain numbers. Um, it definitely improves academic success through increased attention and focus like making yourself focused on the present moment is such a strong ability to sustain focus just like later on in life. Um, and, and it really prevents burnout. And when it comes to helping professions and teaching professions, burnout is usually the first thing that comes that makes us want to go.

Stefanie Bautista (15:35):

Yup, definitely. And I mean, for me using mindfulness in my classroom previously, it was a game changer. Really. We integrated mindfulness practices every single day after we did like a really big outdoor activity like recess or lunch. Um, if it was a hot day, especially we would just turn down the lights, put some soothing music on and just let them do mindful coloring, just be with themselves, like no talking, nothing at all, no stimulation. It’s just a time for them to be one with themselves. If they didn’t want to color that’s okay. If they just wanted to sit and be quiet, those just 10 minutes, sometimes, maybe even 15, if they were really like wanting that quiet time was so essential to transitioning into the next activity. And, you know, we noticed as a school staff that implementing mindfulness practices was effective in deescalating situations like, you know, little verbal fights or maybe even physical fights. Um, when emotions were running super high, like two kids wouldn’t agree on the playground they’re playing soccer or something, we would just tell them to take a step back, take a deep breath and then self-regulate, and then more and more that they practice that. Especially if they started in the younger grades, like in kindergarten, first grade, by the time that they get to fifth grade, most of them were able to just hang out and deal with their situations on their own between themselves, without any adult intervention or, you know, any further escalation. Now, of course we don’t live in a perfect world. Like kids are going to be always, you know, trying to one-up each other, but there was always that one kid was just like, Hey, why don’t you guys take a step back, breathe, maybe call an adult, if you need that adult to, you know, help you find out your situation. And you know, just that little step could’ve prevented something big, you know? Um, so in the classroom it proved to be really, really important, practicing mindfulness. And it gave us teachers a moment of mindfulness too, before we transitioned into the next thing. Um, we always focused on the kids and letting them have their transitions and having them be smooth. But for us adults, it’s the exact same thing. We needed that like little breath before we started the new thing, because you know what we want to be in our right minds too. Um, switching gears a little bit as a mother, I use Disney+, um, as my son was in his early early months. Um, and one of the things that we really love to use in Disney+ was Zenimation and Zenimation

Ariel Landrum (18:01):

So you said you’re his early months. Wait, so how old is he?

Stefanie Bautista (18:04):

So now he’s one, but we practice.

Ariel Landrum (18:08):

So mindfulness is something you can do with infants.

Stefanie Bautista (18:10):

Yes, absolutely. Before they even know what mindfulness is, um, we would play Zenimation, which if you guys don’t know it’s on Disney+, and it is a series of beautiful landscapes from all of the movies. And, um, do they do TV shows Ariel or is it just movies?

Ariel Landrum (18:28):

Um, I I’ve only seen Disney movies specifically.

Stefanie Bautista (18:32):

And they would play either the soundtracks of the movies or nature sounds or any sort of, um, I guess audio effects that Disney uses for any of their movies isolates them and seamlessly puts them together in one, um, themed episode. So I think for one of the episodes, it was all ocean sounds. So it was Nemo, Moana. Um, I even think they did Peter Pan for like a little bit and did some of the aerial shots over the island. Um, but it was beautiful because it wasn’t quite using music and it wasn’t quite just using, you know, playing a movie in the background. It was like as if they were both honoring all of the audio specialties in all of their movies and just highlighting the amazing work that they do. And those soothing sounds helped put my son to sleep, um, every so often. So I’d just have it in the background and it was soothing for both of us and we were both zenning out, to Zenimation and it was awesome. And I think that was like a really, it was like a surprise that I saw it on Disney plus I didn’t know what it was at first. Um, but it’s great if you guys can check it out one day.

Ariel Landrum (19:41):

Yeah. I, um, I do to let my clients know, uh, about [inaudible]. Uh, so when, when it comes to learning a mindfulness based practice, one of the difficult things is if you are somebody who has, um, very strong anxiety. So, uh, the anxiety is almost your superpower when we want to make it strength based. Um, sometimes focusing on your breath or your heart makes you breathe faster and your heart pump faster. Cause like you’re hearing it and you’re noticing it and you’re thinking, wow, I can hear myself breathing. And that freaks you out. That’s that is so common. And which one of the reasons why, um, people with anxiety have difficulty learning, just take a breath, just do mindfulness, just be it, just be aware of the moment because they’re being told to focus on a part of themselves that is a trigger, a reminder for their anxiety. So with with Zenimation, um, and anyone else who’s attempting to learn mindfulness, uh, guided, mindful meditation is helpful when you hear script and someone talking, but mindful sounds and imagery would be the, the strongest sort of like transition or helper tool. Um, so with the Zenimation, I have my clients pick a, um, a specific theme and they have some really interesting ones, not just like, um, uh, environment like water or ocean, but they have, um, things that would make you think discovery and just like, how do you, how do you present that with sound and sight and no words?

Stefanie Bautista (21:08):

They do it.

Ariel Landrum (21:08):

They totally do it. And so we, we, we focus on that. We focus on the sounds and the imagery for those seven minutes. Cause they’re were like seven minutes long. The very last one of each season is like an hour or 45 or something like that. But that’s like, once you’ve become like the mindful, the most mindful.

Stefanie Bautista (21:27):

The Disney mindfulness guru.

Speaker 1 (21:32):

But, um, yeah, so we, we choose a theme, we watch it and we, we focus on breath but we match our breathing to the sounds. We hear, um, and sometimes I’ll, I’ll tell my clients like outside of session, say the words out loud that you’re thinking in your head. So that allows you to, to notice them without judgment, because you’re acknowledge them by saying them, noticing them. Um, but you aren’t adding to them and you aren’t reacting to them. So it’s just like, I’m watching this scene from a, I’m watching the wave and I’m watching Lilo riding the wave. And that makes me think of my time when I was with my family in Hawaii. And I got scared and I didn’t want to go on a surf board and now I see a new scene and it has nothing to do with those things. I want to keep moving. Right? Like it makes the practice more active and gives a lot of grounding.

Stefanie Bautista (22:19):

That’s awesome. And you know, like, as I was watching it, I think I was so zenned out that I was like, just an awe of so much of the animation.

Ariel Landrum (22:27):


New Speaker (22:27):

I was like, oh my gosh, this is so beautiful. And I don’t know if it reminded you, but it reminded me of, um, the animation academy at California Adventure. Um, if you go down Hollywood Boulevard in California Adventure, if any of you guys have gone, you can go to animation academy and then you can draw a character. And they change the character every like hour, every time they do it. But in that room, in the middle, they just play clips of Disney movies and they have different screens playing either the actual animation, the making of the animation or just the backgrounds and Zenimation was like, exactly that. And I was like, oh, I feel like I’m at California Adventure because that was the place that I would just sit on the floor and try to, just to get it like taking in the AC cause it was so hot out if you guys are like hardcore Disney fans, that was a place to just pass out because you were so tired. And that is one of the, I mean, I feel like that totally taps into self-care while at the parks, because it is visual stimulation, auditory stimulation, physical stimulation, you’re walking like 20,000 steps a day and you just need to find a place and sit that’s cold. And that was one of those places. And could say that, you know, that was maybe the precursor to Zenimation before it even like start.

Ariel Landrum (23:50):

Uh, yeah. I think that one of the things that you’re really acknowledging is that, um, environment makes it difficult or easy to, to be mindful, um, to have self-care. And, um, and that, a good chunk of it involves like what actually inspires you and what grounds you, cause you, you mentioned stimulation, auda, auditory and visual stimulation, but isn’t stimulating in that like, like being on the credit coaster, right. It’s not hard pumping and screaming. It’s, it’s being present, it’s being relaxed, it’s feeling your body and how it responds to these sights and sounds, and that, that feeling is comforting.

Ariel Landrum (24:29):

Yeah. It definitely is. Even though at the end of the day, you’re like, I need to pass out. It is comforting. And I think that’s, I think that’s the part of Disney magic where it could, you are like pulled sewing different ways emotionally and you know, in the end it just, it feels so fulfilling and satisfying. And you’re just like, “You know what? That was worth it.” Even though I’m like dead tired, my feet hurt the next day. I feel happy and fulfilled. And you know, Disney to me is just such a unique way of self-care because not only, you know, do the movies resonate with me, the shows resonate with me, but also being a part of the Disney culture is really comforting. Um, that sense of community with you, of course, Ariel.

Ariel Landrum (25:18):


Stefanie Bautista (25:18):

With Josué and Lara who have, you know, so graciously given us this podcast, I wouldn’t have made these strong connections if, you know, we didn’t have that common ground. And I think, you know, building that community part of our culture again,

Ariel Landrum (25:33):


Stefanie Bautista (25:33):

Is such a big part of self-care.

Ariel Landrum (25:35):

I think even in going into cultural connection, right. We’ve talked about Disney+’s Zenimation. I think, you know, what I’ve also noticed, um, is they’re curated. Um, uh, what would you call them? Playlists? Video suggestions? Um, AAPI appreciation month, Pride month this month.

Stefanie Bautista (25:59):

They did Black history month.

Ariel Landrum (26:01):

I think that, um, it’s not so much connecting to your specific culture, but it’s, it’s feeling a sense that your culture is included and important.

Stefanie Bautista (26:10):

Yeah, hmmhm. Definitely. Um, I mean, I didn’t quite get to look at the AAPI month um, curated, I guess, library, but I mean the fact that they could even have content like that is huge. Like I didn’t see myself until Lilo and Stitch, honestly. I didn’t see, you know, when I saw Nani, I was like, that is what my people look like. She is tan, she’s beautiful, she’s working hard and she’s thicc. She’s not skinny. And it’s great. And you know, seeing that culture reflected, even though I’m, you know, I don’t identify as part of the Hawaiian culture. I think just, you know, seeing myself represented was huge. Um, but yeah, I definitely agree that, you know, they’re, they’re really working hard to create not just Disney culture, but Disney culture reflected in who we identify as.

Ariel Landrum (27:07):

The diversity of the audience.

Stefanie Bautista (27:09):

The diversity of the audience. ‘Cause Disney fans come in all shapes and sizes.

Ariel Landrum (27:15):

I think, um, even noticing, uh, how the park celebrates like, um, like the Lunar New Year festival.

Stefanie Bautista (27:23):

Yeah, yeah. Um, Food and Wine Fest. There’s so many more cards now that introduce ethnic, um, cuisines

Ariel Landrum (27:33):

Wasn’t it like last, last year they had Adobo?

Stefanie Bautista (27:35):

Yeah. They had a Adobo and then I think they even had like a Pork Lechon like sandwich. I mean, they’ve always had like Banh Mi, which is awesome um, Vietnamese sandwiches and, um, they’ve of course done so many iterations of traditional Mexican cuisine. Um, and even just highlighting quote unquote, “California cuisine,” which to me as a California, I still kind of don’t understand. What? I mean, if you have any idea, Ariel, let, please like explain it to me because California cuisine is just like, I don’t even, I don’t know what it is.

Ariel Landrum (28:12):

You as, as a local and me as a transplant are both confused.

Stefanie Bautista (28:17):

‘Cause I mean, you’ve seen it right. Like in the Food and Wine Festival, they’re like, “Oh, this is like California cuisine,” or at the wine, um, the wine cellar, blue sky wine cellar, or like the restaurant behind it, it’s like, oh, California cuisine fair. And I’m like, but what is that? Yeah. Isn’t it just things that you can drink with wine or eat with wine?

Ariel Landrum (28:37):

Yeah. Like when, if I’m thinking California cuisine, I’m thinking like, “Oh, from local farmers and growers,” or like “Local wineries up in Napa. No.

Stefanie Bautista (28:45):

Yeah. Exactly. I don’t, I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of like, oh, this is, you know, the, the most “Arizona cuisine” or, you know, “The Nevada cuisine.” Like that. I don’t hear that, but I did a lot of California cuisine.

Ariel Landrum (29:00):

I think it’s just a marketing gimmick.

Stefanie Bautista (29:02):

If you guys have any idea, please like tweet at us @happiestpodgt or, you know, comment on our Instagram, please let us know. Um, because I’m confused.

Ariel Landrum (29:13):

Wait, confused. I just want to see, okay. We talked a few different things in regards to the pillars. Can you think of anything essentially Disney related when it comes to, um, lifestyle really specifically nutrition and medical care? When I think a lifestyle, I think of, um, uh, your, your homies that do the Disney marathon, which isn’t exactly self-care, but like building that practice would be.

Stefanie Bautista (29:40):

I think, I mean, I think it is a, you know, a little bit of self-care. Like, so I have these two really good friends, best friends of mine who run all the Disney marathons. And they even did the dopey challenge at Walt Disney World.

Ariel Landrum (29:52):

Run them.

Stefanie Bautista (29:54):

Well, it’s like a run-walk. I mean, it’s a long distance. So the Dopey Challenge, they ran all four parks and even around like downtown Disney um, and they got medals for every single one. And these two are super busy individuals. They were both going to school at the same time. Um, one to be a physical therapist and the other to be a teacher. And they were like in the middle of their schooling and.

Ariel Landrum (30:17):

And they both working.

Stefanie Bautista (30:18):

And they’re both working jobs on the side and they found time to carve out for themselves, train and run these marathons. And they did it, you know, I mean, they did it.

Ariel Landrum (30:30):

Yes. Yes.

Stefanie Bautista (30:31):

I don’t think I’d be able to do it. It’s something that I’m working towards. But I think for them, um, running is such a part of their lifestyle and they’re such huge Disney fans that it was just like, perfect. Like not only were they running at their favorite parks or got to explore parks at Disney World that they didn’t get to go to before, but at the same time they were doing it together as a couple and they were doing it also with their friends and they were doing it to better their, their running time, their, their physicality, and really just to clear their minds. So, I mean, like, that’s just one of the examples of self-care in, in the avenue of kind of hitting all your, all your goals in one, by, you know, joining a Disney marathon.

Ariel Landrum (31:15):

Yeah. I think one of the things that when it comes to self-care that we forget is that self-care needs to also be somewhat self-sustaining. And what I mean by that is that when we create goals, once you’ve achieved the goal, you check it off. When you create systems of habit. What you’re saying is that, um, this is essential and key as part of my daily living. And so for them to be able to, to make that accomplishment, um, I doubt that they were able to do the same routine every single day. Because they were so busy. Instead it was, “If my overall goal is increasing my wellness and being able to do this run, then that means maybe every day or maybe every other day, I just have to move my body more. But it doesn’t mean that I have to run like three miles every single day at 4:00 AM. And then again, in the evening at like 10, 10 PM.” Right? No. So I think when, um, a book that I always suggest to my clients called Atomic Habits. It isn’t specifically Disney related, but it, it really talks about how, um, if we create habits that are systemic, that are included in our system of our daily living, it’s easier to achieve. It becomes just, just part of our routine in our day for maintenance. Again, just bringing it back to that idea of maintenance.

Stefanie Bautista (32:32):

Yeah, for sure. I mean, I know when I was watching them train for these marathons, it would just be on the weekends, they were training because they were so busy during the weekdays and it was just, you know, they were, they had planned it so far in advance that they were just, you know, inching closer and closer to just hitting their PR or even creating a PR for them, a personal record. Um, they weren’t necessarily trying to win the race. Um, if anything, they were just coordinating what outfits they were going to wear at every park.

Ariel Landrum (33:00):

I think you’re also highlighting that, that self-care does have to be planned. Unfortunately, it doesn’t just happen upon you and there isn’t a perfect day for it to, to occur.

Stefanie Bautista (33:10):

And I mean it doesn’t even have to be months of planning could just, you know, you could say, Hey, I’m going to reserve 20 minutes plan on, or maybe even 7, if you were talking about like an episode of Zenimation may change, just those 7 minutes of just being with yourself mindful, um, can make a huge difference. And I think, I, I know, um, my friends who were running those marathons, just getting out there and like just running and it didn’t even have to be like the full marathon length because that’s really long. Just, you know, getting out there and getting their bodies moving every week was essential to them running that race. And, yeah I mean, they were planning so many other things. The race was just, you know, the overarching, you know, the overarching goal for, you know, all the other things that they accomplished in preparing for the race.

Ariel Landrum (34:01):

I think, um, looking at these pillars again, when I think of medical care, I shared on the Geek Therapy Community, Facebook Group, this tweet that I saw from, uh, a pediatrician that, um, said that, uh, a little boy that he was working with wanted to stay a little bit longer in the telehealth session to talk about dinosaurs. And, um, I, I point this out because I do have clients who are very fearful of going to the doctor for a variety of reasons and very valid reasons. Um, and sometimes having a quote unquote “human conversation” with your doctor has you see them as more of less lab coat, more person. So, um, a tip or self-care trick is I have my clients when they schedule out whatever their doctor’s appointment gonna to be, they practice asking a question. So in this case, if your fandom is Disney, maybe ask your doctor “Who’s, what’s your favorite Disney movie,” or “Who’s your favorite Disney character?” Practicing it will help it come out a little stronger, feel a little more assertive, um, and really taking the focus off of you. Because even though this is your medical visit, you want to feel comfortable with your provider. And for, especially for people who just got off, maybe their parents’ insurance and are learning how to build relationships with a primary care doctor, which I will say, um, for our generation and this, uh, for Millennials and, and, uh, Gen Z, we don’t really know what a general family doctor is. We don’t actually get one. We don’t go to one regularly. There’s a good chunk of it is, is systemic with finances. And, um, the way the system in the United States has healthcare. I don’t, you know, really just acknowledging that it’s a problem there, but a good chunk of it is also that I’ve never known how to develop a relationship. I went one because my parents told me to, we did have medical care.

Stefanie Bautista (35:48):

Exactly. Yeah. I’m the same way. Like when I was, you know, applying for insurance and doing all, like, you know. I didn’t know what a primary care manager was. I didn’t even know that was the same thing as a doctor. I was like, “Oh, manage your doc, wait, it’s not the same?” And this is me. And like my late 20s at this time, because, you know, I was finally put on like a steady insurance, but it’s a whole nother thing, but yeah, we digress. We digress, but definitely, I mean, you make such a great point when you’re talking about, you know, connecting with your provider and connecting with, you know, the people. I mean, I can even say the same thing as a teacher. I have to have a favorite Disney character lined up in my mind. I have to have a favorite, you know, like you said, dinosaur, if I’m working with younger students. It’s just those little things that you would make a world of difference when connecting with your students, with your community, with anybody really, when you’re entering a new community of, you know, let’s say Disney fans. I know, um, there are so many Facebook groups out there, uh, for soloist, for people who love Star Wars for people who are, you know, transplants in California. There’s so many different little, uh, groups that you can introduce yourselves to, um, because we’re all such huge Disney fans. But, you know, having those things in your mind is just, you know, those little icebreakers that help you connect a little bit smoother, I guess you could say.

Ariel Landrum (37:18):

Yeah. Yeah. And, and really, and giving yourself time to practice them again. Um, uh, and particularly when we’re talking about adults, it’s hard for adults to connect and it’s definitely hard for adults to create friendships if they weren’t their friendships they made at work or in, in youth. Um, otherwise it’s, “Oh, now my kid is in like a primary school and I have to be friends with their friends’ parents.”

Speaker 2 (37:44):

Oh boy, that dynamic I’ve seen that. I can’t wait till I get there. On the other side of, I guess, the curtain, because I definitely see it from like, you know, a staff point, you know, all of the parents that, you know, come to our school and it’s really interesting those dynamics, but definitely if, you know, the two kids have like that one special thing that they bond over, it’s so much easier for the parents to connect with each other. Cause they just want to see their kiddos happy. Um, but yeah, I mean, even at the parks sometimes like you see just random kids coming up to each other and making friends. Like when they’re in Toontown or when they’re, you know, just taking a picture or maybe when they’re in the line to take a picture with a character. Those are great opportunities for kids to talk to each other and connect with each other. Building that community of future Disney fans.

Ariel Landrum (38:35):

And really remembering that, um, because self-care is talking about, you know, maintaining, um, your own wellness, creating support systems is self-care. Um, when you, when you have, uh, individuals that you can lean on, just like, just like now we’re, we’re shooting this podcast and you can lean on your family to support you in this moment of, of self-care.

Stefanie Bautista (38:57):

Yeah. This is my self-care y’all we didn’t even make the 20 minutes and I got an interruption, but I mean, yeah, absolutely. And, you know, I can count maybe on so many more fingers than I have on my hands and my toes, how many, you know, times I’m just like, “Oh, like I need a self-care day, let’s go to Downtown Disney.” And, you know, “Just go to the World of Disney and buy one thing.” Or, you know, I have like my set friends that I can go to, um, or even just going on social media and seeing how other people that I follow, who I’m not even friends with, how they’re expressing themselves during, you know, during lockdown, during the pandemic. Even now that you know, we’re not in the pandemic so much anymore, everything’s starting to open up all of the Disney influencers that I follow are dealing in different ways. And I think that’s so beautiful. Because that just represents the spectrum of our diversity is the fandom. Um, I know many influencers haven’t been back to the park because they’re not comfortable and that’s okay. Some of them have, and they have multiple times and that’s okay. Um, I think that’s what makes me feel comfort that I’m not going for quite some time. Because I had, you know, my reservations, I know Ariel, you’re going pretty soon. And you doing any mental preparation for that? I guess self-care wise?

Ariel Landrum (40:23):

Yes. So, um, self-care wise, uh, mental preparation is, or an emotional mental labor, uh, is something that you kind of have to do check-ins with. Um, and I was, I was regularly checking in if it was still something I was comfortable with. Um, uh, and so part of my, my self-care is I’m going with my partner. So we talk about openly, like if certain things occur, certain things happen, you know, how we’re going to address them or what we’re going to do. Um, he’s, uh, comfortable and fine with still wearing masks. Um, and having the hand sanitizer with us. I think that the, the new app system that they have in, in, um, sort of queuing up, I think that’s going to be very helpful. Um, but I also think like, I know right now Avengers Campus is open. I know I want to go, I don’t need to go. I want to go. So if the line is atrocious, um, I, it may be that I’ll do something else that doesn’t have as much, um, uh, people, uh, involved or lined up that one want to be involved. And I will see that as me actively choosing myself and my needs first, that’s my self-care. And not like that I’ve missed out on something.

Stefanie Bautista (41:36):

Right. That FOMO is huge. And it’s a double-edged sword ya’ll.

Ariel Landrum (41:41):

Yes. Yes. A lot of self-talk a lot of stuff.

Stefanie Bautista (41:44):

A lot of self-talk. And I think as a long time Disney goer, I used to be an Annual Pass holder. I know Ariel, you did too.

Ariel Landrum (41:52):


Stefanie Bautista (41:52):

I know, RIP. As I got older, the more I gave myself a little bit of chill on the things that I needed to do that day, the more enjoyable it became to be at the park and get use out of that pass. I think one time, me and my boyfriend at the time. Um, he’s my husband now. Yeah.

Ariel Landrum (42:12):

Spoiler alert.

Stefanie Bautista (42:14):

Spoiler alert. Um, we just spent one day just going to the street to the show, to the stores on Main Street. We didn’t even go to any rides. I think it was like a super busy day. We usually tried to go on Sundays cause it wasn’t as busy, but for some reason it was super busy, but we were like, “You know what? Let’s just hit up all the stores on main street and go to the places that we’ve never really explored before.” And once I kind of shifted my thinking into, “Oh my gosh, I have to go on this ride! I have to go on that ride!I have to eat there!” Once I kind of threw all of that out the window. It was like, okay, I can still enjoy myself because Disneyland allows for that to happen. You can do certain things in the park without actually having to ride all the rides because, you know, sometimes it’s just not going to happen. Sometimes there’s just that many people at the park and, you know, you’re battling locals, you’re battling people who are on vacation. You’re battling people who, you know, have been reserving these tickets for a long, long time.

Ariel Landrum (43:10):

It is a battle.

Stefanie Bautista (43:10):

And, you know, have never been here. So you really are. There’s so many variables into going to the parks that just taking that step back, breathing and saying, this is going to be okay. I’m still going to have a good time is I think what it was kind of a game changer for me too. Um, and it allowed me to want to come back, even though I knew I couldn’t do everything I wanted to go to. It was okay.

Ariel Landrum (43:35):

Yeah. I think that, um, you know, obviously having my Annual Pass and being living close to Disneyland is levels of privilege. Um, I, but I even in talking about like making that mind shift, like it just shifting your mindset, uh, I had some clients, uh, you know, over the summer who are planning or have already gone to Disney World. Um, and, and having to, to actively shift out of the idea of like, “I spent all this money, I have to get, like I have to bleed this day. I have to bleed Disney. I have to get so much out of the experience,” to “The fact that I’m going out and spending time with my family is really all I wanted. I just wanted to go out, spend some time with my family. And if I leave this vacation, knowing that we enjoyed ourselves, then, then I did get my money’s worth. I did actually experienced myself. I was present in the moment.” But if you’re on that ride, thinking about like needing to jump off, to run to the next ride, did, you really get to enjoy Disney?

Stefanie Bautista (44:34):

Yeah. Right. And also like who, if everyone’s looking miserable and I have, I have to admit, I have seen families that just looked absolutely miserable at the parks. Are you at that point making lasting damage? Or are you really pushing for the best vacation ever? Um, now that I’m a parent, I, I say, you know, my son is super young. He’s not going to go on all the rides. He can probably maybe not even make it through one whole ride, but that’s okay. You know, like this is our foray into giving this as an experience to him and I have to be okay with that because I don’t want it to be such a traumatizing experience for him with all these people, um, that I never want to do whatever again. So.

Ariel Landrum (45:25):

And I think even like giving some reprieve, particularly again for talking about Western societies, who, I mean, in our cultural consciousness, the studies still show the mental loads on, on, on women, on mothers. Um, and so, you know, allowing moms to enjoy vacations means not, not putting the pressure on yourself or them to curate and schedule everything. I mean, some of the best moments at Disney are just random Disney magic. You can’t plan for when that character walks by and you get to take a picture. So maybe it means letting go of some of the itinerary in order to really enjoy that magic. And you’re talking about like your young son, like someone might be the bubble blower, maybe all he wants.

Stefanie Bautista (46:10):

Yes. Maybe he just wants to see Dumbo in the air, not even be in the ride.

Ariel Landrum (46:16):

And being okay, because that’s his experience like you’re, like you said, you’re gifting it to him. If it was your experience.

New Speaker (46:22):

Yeah. Things would be set in place if it was my experience, but I’ve had years of that to enjoy. And now it’s, you know, my turn as a mother to give that Disney joy to my son. And I do the same thing with a lot of my nieces and nephews, who I ended up meeting at the park, or I go to the park with them. It’s really the little things like they don’t have to have that princess dress. They might want it and you probably might get it for them. And it’s part of their experience. But you know, some other kids might not want that. Some other kids might just, you know, want to just spend time with their parents. Um, I think also the level of needing to get that perfect Disney shot has added like another, just like plateau of stress on parents. And you know, also the people working the PhotoPass and a lot of the cast members, other guests, um, I mean, let’s face it. We all want that perfect Disney shot, but we’re not always gonna get it, especially when there’s a crowded, crowded, um, there’s a crowded place like right in front of the castle.

Ariel Landrum (47:23):

There’s that kid picking his nose in the background of your shot that you cannot crop out right next to your face.

Stefanie Bautista (47:28):

He’s right there picking his butt, or, you know, somebody might be proposing right behind you. ‘Cause that happens all the time.

Ariel Landrum (47:34):

All the time.

Stefanie Bautista (47:36):

All the time. And we’re going to talk about that in another episode, but I mean, like I said, there’s so many variables and like getting that perfect shot is just one of those things. And I know that we have friends and we will probably talk about this on another episode is where to find really good um, photos and photo opportunities and the parks and what time to find those.

Ariel Landrum (47:58):

We gon’ spill the tea.

Stefanie Bautista (47:59):

We gon’ spill the tea on that, because we’ve done Dapper Day. We’ve done proposals. We’ve heard a proposals. Um, there’s a lot of different scenarios and parameters that need to be taking into account. Um, and Disney does a great job of accommodating those things. So there are ways to get that perfect shot, but just know that even though you don’t yourself get that perfect shot, it’s going to be okay.

Ariel Landrum (48:24):

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think, again, you’re, you’re highlighting that part of self-care is like really being present in the moment, but also letting go of, of certain expectations. Um, and that, that, that takes a lot of mental prep to be comfortable and okay with the unexpected. Um, and, and really cherishing the real moment versus our judgment of it. Right. So getting back to mindfulness-based practices, um, am I going to look at this, you know, kid in my background picking his nose as “This ruined my shot!” Right? Or am I going to look at this as like, “Oh my gosh, this is hilarious. I had no idea.” Um, and this is real Disney.

Stefanie Bautista (49:10):

It is real. Yeah. I mean, there is Disney magic, but there’s a realness that has to be like, there’s a, there’s a level of, um, what do you call it? A tough pill, a pill to swallow when it comes to being at the parks and, you know, curating all of these Disney magic photos and memories. I think that’s a great way to think about it. Just taking that as a specific memory, because who else is going to have a kid picking their nose in the background of a beautiful family picture?

Ariel Landrum (49:35):

They wish! He’s our kid now!

Stefanie Bautista (49:41):

Became the star of the show. Um, but yeah, I mean, I think we’ve discussed so many different ways that self-care, um, plays a role in being a part of the Disney fandom and living everyday life that, you know, it’s something to really take into consideration moving forward, as we’re beginning to reopen. Beginning to get back into our fandoms. Um, conventions are coming back. Concerts are coming back. So, you know, Disney is going to make those opportunities available for us to reconnect, um, consume all sorts of media. Um, not just with Zenimation, but with all the other things that sometimes, you know, when I log into Disney+ I’m like, “I don’t even know where to start.”

Stefanie Bautista (50:28):

Yeah. Oh, it becomes overwhelming.

Stefanie Bautista (50:30):

Yeah, it sure does. And I think maybe a part of that self-care is maybe going into a plan, maybe having a little preparation into, oh, this is going to be my theme. I know you did that, right?

Ariel Landrum (50:42):

Yes. Yes. And in, including in, um, you know, with any experience that, uh, some fluidity and flexibility. A plan doesn’t mean that, that it must be this way. So like, I, I, like I mentioned before when, um, Disney+ first came out, I just, I wanted to watch all the films that had animals. I don’t know talking animals seem to be something that I wanted in the moment. And then there was a, I was watching Aristocats and I, I finished it and I was like, “Oh, I don’t need another animal movie now. Like I, I think I’m done with that.” Um, and, and I remember talking to some friends and they’re like, “But, but you didn’t finish? And it was like, “But, I got what I needed. I didn’t need to finish.”

Stefanie Bautista (51:26):

Yeah, totally. I think when Disney+ first came out, I was like, “Oh, let’s watch Lady and the Tramp.” And I watched it and I was like, “Oh, this is so cool.” I have my, you know, questions about it, but let’s watch something else.

Ariel Landrum (51:38):

So so the new one?

Stefanie Bautista (51:38):

Yeah. The new one, the live action one and I’m like, oh. And then I went right back to my favorite, you know, Disney animal movie, which is One Hundred and One Dalmatians. And I watched that again and I’m like, “Okay, I feel better now.” And it was just like, not a palate cleanser and the way that I didn’t like Lady and the Tramp, but I had to go back to something that was familiar to me because there were so many changes. And I think Lady and the Tramp live action was one of those changes at that time. Um, but going back to One Hundred and One Dalmatians, it was just like, oh, I have this at my disposal. Let me just watch it. And that was my mini plan.

Ariel Landrum (52:12):

Yes. Yeah. Again, if we’re talking about self-care, um, knowing your go-tos, like what are the things that I know, uh, give me comfort and support that, that make me feel good that make me feel well or present. Um, and you’re like, “I like this, I enjoyed this, but now I need to go back to a familiar level of comfort.” Yeah,

Stefanie Bautista (52:32):

For sure. I guess maybe to close out, would you want to maybe share your top 3 or 5?

Ariel Landrum (52:39):

Oh woah.

Stefanie Bautista (52:39):

Um go-to, 3 or 5, just because I know 3 sometimes is not enough, but 5 might be a bit much. I’ll give you that option. And that’s the educator in me. I’m giving options to accommodate and differentiate.

Ariel Landrum (52:51):

Thank you.

Stefanie Bautista (52:51):

Um, what are your top 3 or 5 go-tos on Disney+?

Speaker 1 (52:58):

Oh, my top 3 or 5. Okay. So, um, uh, Mulan, I actually just, just played at this, uh, this morning.

Stefanie Bautista (53:05):


Ariel Landrum (53:07):

Uh, the, the, uh, the animated, I was suppose to say animated Mulan, um, and animated Pocahontas. Um, so, so definitely two, um, Disney princesses. And then, um, uh, Disney Weddings. Okay. So here’s, here’s the thing, here’s the thing with Disney Weddings is like one, I know I’m not going to be able to have one. They are expensive, but two, like this

Stefanie Bautista (53:30):

Say never, you might win something.

Ariel Landrum (53:33):

But the sheer joy in individuals just like embracing their whole selves and their partners embracing their whole selves. And having it sort of like on display is, is just adorable, magical, wonderful, authentic. And then then of course, Disney being Disney always has a surprise or a magical twist. And I never guess it. I never guess what they’re going to do is like their little icing on the cake, a little chef’s kiss. Okay. So I’ve got those three I’m I definitely, uh, finished all of the first, there are seasons of Zenimation. So I’ve definitely finished all the first seasons does Zenimation. I’m on episode 3 of the second season. Um, and that one has, has imagery from, uh, Raya the Last Dragon.

Stefanie Bautista (54:19):


Ariel Landrum (54:19):


Stefanie Bautista (54:21):

Yeah. I haven’t seen it yet. So I’m super excited to play that and have a little Zen moment. Um, but yeah, I love the landscapes and the soundtracks, and I’m such a huge fan of, um, Alan Menken and Hans Zimmer who did so many of the soundtracks. I even did. I remember in high school, I did a project on Hans Zimmer because I loved his soundtrack so so much. Um, of course with like Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, um, so many other things that he did. Uh, but yeah, definitely. That was what I loved about Zenimation. Um, but yeah, for my.

Ariel Landrum (54:52):

How about you?

Stefanie Bautista (54:52):

For my top three, I’m going to do three because like in the library of things that I watch, I’m just going to be like, “Let’s just pick 3.” The first 3 that I’d go to definitely it was One Hundred and One Dalmatians. That was one of the first things that I watch just because I love, um, the jazz and the representation, the representation of jazz in the beginning. And I love puppies and I’ve always loved that movie, um, from, you know, if you guys did listen to our last podcast with Josué and Lara, um, our conversation about Cruella like that, you know, just wholly played to my heartstrings cause I love One Hundred and One Dalmatians. Um, another one that I just played actually after watching Luca was, uh, Toy Story 2. It is my favorite Toy Story movie, um, with, you know, what he discovering that he is super famous. And I think that is my favorite Toy Story. Um biased. I think it’s the best Toy Story. I know the first one’s great, but the second one really like it was on that level.

Ariel Landrum (55:56):

The same company as my partner’s nephew, he says that is the best movie ever.

Stefanie Bautista (56:01):

It is the best one. All the way up until like the end in the airports. It’s just everything about that movie. Um, the whole, I am your father with there’s so many things I can quote the movie back and forth.

Ariel Landrum (56:09):

Maybe we should do an episode.

Stefanie Bautista (56:09):

I know, oh my gosh, I would love that. Um, but the third one that I always go to is Lilo and Stitch. It is something that I just play in the background. Um, I would, I used to memorize those songs, sing my heart out. I know no Hawaiian whatsoever, but I did one, you know, when that came out. Um, but I just love just Stitch and everything about his craziness. And um, I love Lilo and just her lying on the floor, playing her Elvis records, wanting to tell everyone to go away. That was me. Um, but I will always go back to that movie because I love it so much. So those are my top 3.

Ariel Landrum (56:55):

*Outro music* Well, we want to thank everybody for listening to this episode of The Happiest Pod on Earth. Again, I’m Ariel.

Stefanie Bautista (57:03):

And I’m Stephanie.

Ariel Landrum (57:04):

And, uh, this is a place where we dissect Disney mediums with a critical lens.

Stefanie Bautista (57:09):

Yup. We will see you guys next time on our Podcast. Um, make sure to also follow us on Twitter @happiestpodgt and our Instagram at @happiestpodgt, where we are going to give you guys updates on all the Disney things that we are doing and also, um, updates on the upcoming events and shows and movies that are coming up because we are probably just as excited as you.

Speaker 4 (57:31):

Yay. Bye.

Stefanie Bautista (57:33):


Media/Characters Mentioned
  • Zenimation
  • 101 Dalmatians
  • Mulan
  • Lilo and Stich
  • Toy Story 2
  • Disney Weddings
  • Pocahontas
  • Disney California Adventure
  • Disneyland
  • Animation Academy
Topics/Themes Mentioned
  • Zenimation
  • self-care
  • mindfulness
  • meditation
  • Disney parks
  • Disney+
  • mental wellness
  • family
  • culture
  • education
  • environment
  • Unofficial Disney Cookbook

Questions? Comments? Discuss this episode on the GT Forum.


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